Japan Burger King Introduces The "Black Burger"

Bet he likes it.

Quick -a Belgian fast-food- did it a few years ago when they did the "Dark Vador Burger"


Closed Account
As would be said in the 90s ... That is like sooo appetizing --- NOT! :rofl:

Then again, if the choice was between that and Sushi, I'd probably have to dive into that Black Burger.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
When they prepare this burger, is it automatically assigned a parole officer?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"You must spread some reputation around before you give it to RASQ again."

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
And now there's the A1 Whopper for Halloween. I'd rather eat Just BC's expired can 'o beans.

I, in fact, had Burger King tonight and went with the tried and true Double Whopper with Cheese. I also had some Chicken Fries, Potatoey Fries, and Onion Rings. Where is your God now?


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
You trying to make me jealous? You succeeded. Mmmmm, char-broil.

I, in fact, had Burger King tonight and went with the tried and true Double Whopper with Cheese. I also had some Chicken Fries, Potatoey Fries, and Onion Rings. Where is your God now?


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Yeah, the Japanese just don't get the American 30 second floor rule. Gaijin food is too clean and perfect. We need to import some high school kids who just don't care.
But seriously, I miss the QP with cheese, the double whopper with cheese, nasty Taco Bell, Overloaded Subway meatballs with double cheese...
If you can FEDEX me a couple double whoppers with cheese I will gladly pay you Tuesday.

I'd eat a rat if it had those sexy charbroiled grill marks on it.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I, in fact, had Burger King tonight and went with the tried and true Double Whopper with Cheese. I also had some Chicken Fries, Potatoey Fries, and Onion Rings. Where is your God now?

I don't dislike BK. I dislike the thought of eating the A1 whopper.