Jade Goody

I agree with "The Stig" from Top Gear, as stated by Jeremy Clarkson;

"Jade Goody is a pig faced racist and a waste of blood and organs"
i would fuck her
but only since she came out and got the boob job n stuff cus she was rank before
but now shes a racist
Jade Goody ... not for me ... dim .. ill mannered ... inarticulate .. racist ... and pug ugly .. AND bizarrely some people see her as a role model FFS. I wouldn't shag her with David Camerons knob


"Goody also believed that Saddam Hussein was a boxer."
has anyone got her in a baywatch style suit on holiday she looks really fit lost tons of weight but the boobs look excellent


Closed Account
has anyone got her in a baywatch style suit on holiday she looks really fit lost tons of weight but the boobs look excellent

ive seen those pics...very nice :) i find jade very sexy cos shes chavy, used to hate her but once you let yourself have a wank theres no goin back :p


Closed Account

agree with you 100% that 2nd link ive looked at before :p


that first pic is so hot

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come on there has to be some more pics of jade somewhere,
i really would love to fuck her, i know its quite wrong but i dont care.
she has the best nipples ever. end of.


Closed Account
It's weird....there is definately something about her that would draw me to shagging her but I don't know what it is...she has a fine pair of tits..maybe it's that? Actually, she's got pretty nice legs too....hmmmm....