I’ve Never Played A Pokémon Game. Am I Missing Out?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I owned and played the original Red version on GB. I have Yellow, same shit but Pikachu follows behind you. I own crystal but the battery needs replacing since it used it 24/7 for an internal clock. I tried X and Y on 3DS thinking it would be maybe fun to revisit. Boring.

It was barely OK as a kid. Unless you're super into looking at pokemon, it just doesn't have that same appeal as it did when it was the original craze. Some people still like em, but, I dunno. Give one of the new ones a shot and see what you think.
I owned Green & Yellow from gen 1 (I mean, a talking Pikachu?? On GB?? Hell yeah!) and jumped to Crystal, Black, Y & AS. If you haven't played them at all, it might be neat to start at the beginning and see the evolution of the game which is just as interesting (if not more) than the story itself. After all, they have to be doing something right to be able to make that many games without coming off as redundant, right?

I would try R/B/G/Y first and see if you like it. If it seems too retro to you, then yes, go for one of the 3 3D versions (X/Y OR/AS S/M). But I think you'll get the full appreciation and references if you have some knowledge of the earlier games, if you're willing to put in the time.

I think the fun comes from the meta-game, ie Mutiplayer. It can be fun if you're into that sort of thing; it's one of those "easy to learn, hard to master" things.
TBH though I skipped SM. I basically stopped at RS remakes because I was getting tired of them charging for the pokebank. I get that cloud storage costs money but it should be free to just transfer pokemon between games.
I only played Red and Blue and not all way through. But it's a fun paper, rock scissor game lol
I've never been a big Pokemon video game fan, (The actual trading card game is better, but it was too tailored for kids and I was too old when it came out so I'm not really into that either) but as long as you stay away from Pokemon Go there should be decent games for anybody interested in the genre.
I kind of got into competitive mutiplayer before the DSi shutdown when that awesome trick existed which let you get unlimited pokemon of whatever stats you wanted. Since they were traded through the actual trading system the game didn't see them as "hacked" so you could use them in PvP battles. I didn't risk going into official battle seasons but I played in the unranked battles and had fun stomping unsuspecting players. What was cool is that it allowed me to experience the hardcore level of pokemon battles, which basically come down to hitting first and killing in 1 hit. Playing at that level was surprisingly technical and complicated and I spent whole weekends tweaking and perfecting my teams. So if you like strategy, You Might find it interesting. Just be aware that high level players are definitely using hacked 'mon so stick with the ranked official battles if you want a fighting chance.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The peak Pokemon game is Soul Silver and Heart Gold(especially when hacked with Storm Silver or Sacred Gold) in my honest opinion.
I've played most of the games out there including the originals (Red, Blue, Yellow) but yeah, I would definitely say you're missing out. Pokemon is a classic. I still need to get my hands on Let's Go Pikachu for the Switch!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Have you ever played an RPG? Then you know how it works.
Except with 'monsters' you have to grind, and sometimes the RNG will not be so random, and never in your favor..

Each game was.. ehh, kinda whatevs. IMO the best game was generation 2 stuff. It was already hard enough to keep track of the original 150, yes ~ but the streamlined, newer version made it less tedious.

Which is... to say.. that if you have the 'RPG disease' of just loving to grind and play 100+ hours for no F'ing reason, then pokemon is right up your alley. If you got the grinding bug out of your system, then you will find it shallow and boring.

A game with actual tactics alongside the grind would be the PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics.