Willl, youre like gene hackman in th posidion adventure trying to get the fools to climb the christmas tree. just not gonna happen.
there's only one way out.
See if you ask these people to:
A - Forget party loyalty for a minute.
B - Forget his skin pigmentation.
C - forget their hatred for the other party
And ask them to honestly tell you what has gotten better in this country in the last 3.5 years or ask them what has Obama done to help make their lives better...........they won't answer, only get pissed and nasty with you.
The left likes to break people up into groups based on skin pigmention, ok so what has he done for blacks to have a better life?
What has he done for hispanics? Women?
Is it easier to buy a home? get a good job? start a business? Just what has he done?
Direct question, with all his promises of hope and change that the suckers fell for in masses, what has he done for you?
I said it here first years ago.he's a wolf in sheeps clothing. his intentions are to break it down, not build it up.
And he's doing a good job so far. And if it's not intentional than he is at best incompetent.
Oh and don't worry about those phony polls the biased media is throwing at us. thats just another trick they use to pursued the naive to join the winner. Romney is going around the country attracting huge crowds.
Considering all the forces against him, especially the in full turbo obama campaign mode US media, Romney is doing just fine, And if they say he's down then he's probably up.
When it comes down to it most people will vote to save their families future over any other factor, and they know which lever that is.