It just sucks to be Lil Wayne now but at least he's rocking that street cred

Lil Wayne had a perfectly good reason for missing his court date in Arizona today -- he's currently behind bars in New York. But Yuma County didn't care ... and issued a bench warrant for his arrest.

Wayne pled not guilty in the past to a litany of drug charges related to a January 2008 arrest, where DEA agents found 105 grams of marijuana, 29 grams of cocaine and 41 grams of ecstasy pills and a 40-caliber pistol on his tour bus.

Wayne had a court date today, but missed it cause of the whole "already in jail" thing.

Is this the glorious street cred I keep hearing about when it comes to hip hop??


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
What a jackass, all that money and still acting the fool.
Enjoy prison douchebag.


Land Of The Snakes
Don't believe the hype they are trying to boost his "street cred" that bitch is not even in general population. and he has a captain escorting him at all times suck a dick wayne!
If 14 - 21 yr. old black males ran the U.S., Lil' Wayne would be president. It probably wouldn't be for long, because some over 21 black male would've assassinated him likely within a day or two. However, I do have questions for Wayne that I feel the public and his fans may want answers to, such as:

A) Will this time in prison put a new spin on your song 'Lollipop'?

B) Speaking of that song, was that originally dedicated to Birdman?

C) Does your referrance to Birdman as 'Daddy' have an underlying gay meaning to it?

D) Are you ever gonna become 'Big' Wayne?

E) Was you dating of Karrine 'Superhead' Steffans just a front for blowjob tutorials?

F) When you kissed, which one of you do you think tasted dick first? Awkward silence after?

The truth is out there Wayne.

(BTW: Look at the dude on the far rights face!):D