it doesnt always pay to be a nice guy

nice guys finish last,


That's why I was always picked last for teams in high school.

That's a bummer though. Those last couple of seconds would of been horrible.
I much perfer this kind of "nice guy":

Chen Fuchao, a man heavily in debt, had been contemplating suicide on a bridge in southern China for 5 hours holding up traffic and generally causing chaos below him. When an irate passer-by came up, shook his hand – and pushed him off the ledge, saluting him as he fell. Well, that made his mind up for him I guess, and the traffic can get back to normal.


You see, he took the time to think about the lives of his fellow commuters and decided to take action. He should be praised for doing so.

What a nice guy :D.

Dont worry the other guy survived, he suffered spinal injuries due to the fact that the air mattress was not properly inflated when he landed on it.