Israeli Attacks Gaza Strip, Killing 200+

Every segment of humanity might have fanatics....

...but why is it always the Arabs that seem able to parade their hatred it in the street with impunity while having the support of a huge chunk, if not most of the population around them, and their governing bodies?

In almost anyplace else in the world that is civilized, with almost any other people, acts like that would be shunned and the people doing them would be vilified by their entire society at best. I hate to say it but the fact the people that hate the most get so much support says something to both most Arabs living in the Arab world and the Islamic religious leaders there, and maybe their entire religion also.

So its the entire people and their religion?

What a crock...

Have actually ever studied their religion? How many Arabs do you actually know?

And no, I don't think the fanaticals are the majority. The Muslim Religion is a huge and diverse religion. 1.2 billion people, and believe it or not, its growing...

So is it the rest of them too??...

I'm not going to lie, the middle east is corrupt. But to say that its only the Arabs is pretty simplistic.

And not to mention I think Americans are clueless on how diverse the population is..
Try taking someone from Casablanca and someone from Baghdad and see how much they have in common (you'd be lucky if they could even understand each other), or someone from Sana'a and someone from Damascus. Arabic varies greatly, as do the cultural traditions that of the different areas of the Levant, the Gulf, North Africa and East Africa.

Most of the people who speak Arabic today don't have roots in the Arabian peninsula, much like most of people who speak English today don't have roots in England.
Just to the point, if someone does not know about it: the majority of Iran poulation is not arabic.
They even do not talk arabic language. They are persian. And persian people are not big fans of arabs.

The CIA World Factbook estimates that approximately 1% of Iran's 68,017,860 citizens are Arabic-speakers

Just 1%. How you like that? Live and learn!
Guest111, I said the UN has long been heavily biased against Israel above and you doubted this.

The UN bias against Israel has been a reality since the 60s. It is not something that has to do with the Bush Administration or Fox News.

It's far from the best source but ...

Gives you an idea how many resolutions are negative. With neighbors that have been openly committed to their utter annihilation, you'd think teeny-tiny Israel and its population of Holocaust survivors would be cut some slack by the international community. Nope.

If you Google "UN bias against Israel" you will get a LOT of hits ... but they are almost all Israeli-linked sources.

One article (very old) is from the U.S. Heritage Foundation ... which is conservative, but no reason why it should be terribly biased:

International bias against Israel is long-established.

Even understanding the motives of the sources of information, people have felt for decades that the Arab and Europe-intensive United Nations have been heavily biased against Israel ... for good reason.


Hamas is following along with the tradition of Yasser Arafat - Whenever you need money from the American taxpayer, simply begin heaving a buncha rockets at Israel and . . . in due time, you'll get the undivided attention of the American leadership.
At the point of contact, negotiate accordingly $$$$$$$$$$$. :thefinger

This is Hamas' last chance to coerce our beloved, lame dick of a president into fleecing his American taxpayers for "revenues for peace". Timing is everything.

And you guys thought that they were merely a buncha stoopid animalz ! :scream:


Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

the main solution to solve this damn conflict is killing all members of the terrorist groups and wrecking the shit out of Iran for once and for all. Ahmadinejhad and Bachar El Hassad are two of the biggest scumbags in the whole middle east.

Agreed, because the snake's head must be severed once and for all !

I don't see that happening in today's weenie - weakling, progressive culture of which surrounds us.
Every man for himself, by Georges. ! :ak47: :thumbsup:
Guest111, I said the UN has long been heavily biased against Israel above and you doubted this.

The UN bias against Israel has been a reality since the 60s. It is not something that has to do with the Bush Administration or Fox News.

It's far from the best source but ...

Gives you an idea how many resolutions are negative. With neighbors that have been openly committed to their utter annihilation, you'd think teeny-tiny Israel and its population of Holocaust survivors would be cut some slack by the international community. Nope.

If you Google "UN bias against Israel" you will get a LOT of hits ... but they are almost all Israeli-linked sources.

One article (very old) is from the U.S. Heritage Foundation ... which is conservative, but no reason why it should be terribly biased:

International bias against Israel is long-established.

Even understanding the motives of the sources of information, people have felt for decades that the Arab and Europe-intensive United Nations have been heavily biased against Israel ... for good reason.

Google searching isn't a guarantee. You can google search ANYTHING and get tons of results...

The thing you first posted about the resolutions doesn't prove a "bias". I said earlier that they have most resolutions against them then any other "nation", they were all put through for good reason...

Though, the Holocaust was a terrible Human Tragedy. It doesn't give them the right to oppose another tragedy on another group of people.
They have gone against international law, with debates in the UN...
The UN might not being doing a good job of it, but one of their main reasons for existing is to prevent wars and other mass killings...

Calling someone "bias" is an opinion. And I have found that if your critical of anything, Left or Right...You are automatically considered Bias. There are many resolutions against Israel. But they are mostly within reason, and they didn't pull this stuff out of thin air.

It has gotten to the point, where if anyone says anything against Israel, they are called bias or anti-Semitic (usually from supporters of Israel or from Israel itself). I think that's pretty weak, unfair, and also pretty insulting.

And there is no doubt, that the United States has been the main supporter of Israel (economically, militarily, politically) , that's why all of our recent presidents(and most of our senators) have been strong supporters of Israel, even our president elect.
And with that, they have a very big influence in our foreign policy and public perception.

And like i have said, the UN has criticized Hamas as well.

The UN Consists of many Nations..The Nation that gives them the most funding is the United States. Their current secretary-General is Ban Ki-moon, from South Korea. Yes there are Arab and European nations in the UN, but they should be there. That is a very Important and big region.

member states of the UN-

Both sides have claimed that their is a Bias, especially from Europe. You even get the same thing from some Palestinians.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not always a big fan of the UN either. Mainly because I feel like they don't get involved enough...
Just to the point, if someone does not know about it: the majority of Iran poulation is not arabic.
They even do not talk arabic language. They are persian. And persian people are not big fans of arabs.

Just 1%. How you like that? Live and learn!

I knew this, but I failed to bring this up before.

To most people in the states, they probably don't even see a difference.

Thank you.

And like i said before, not all Arabs are big fans of other Arabs.
Even the second most violators to human rights to Palestinians, consist of many of their neighbors.


Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

Agreed, because the snake's head must be severed once and for all !

I don't see that happening in today's weenie - weakling, progressive culture of which surrounds us.
Every man for himself, by Georges. ! :ak47: :thumbsup:

Keep in mind that there are literally millions of current and ex-military, rural and urban well-traveled Americans who are the ones keeping things going...the internet wienies, GenX and Y sheeple mostly guess at things, and have no real effect on actual events. Granted, politicians worry about mass population fads that can cost them a great job, but those more practical citizens who get what's going on are the ones who dictate the actual direction the country goes in.

Enough sales of votes in the D.C. flea market and there is a housecleaning; look for a serious shift in the ranks of the Federal lawmakers if more of our future is sold to the big money interests.

The history of the US and GB, to name a few major players, didn't come from whiners and la-la land came from those who can and will do the hard things needed to keep the homefires burning.

In the Swat Valley, about 5000 Taliban are controlling the entire region...1 bad boy can terrorize 1000 regular citizens, who cower in their homes and try to not get beheaded or shot by the Islamic effect allowing the Taliban to operate unchecked. No big number of Muslims... Arab or Indonesian, Persian or needed to control entire countries. A few extremeists control entire populations through the average Muslim's subservience to authority, whether Mullahs or fighters.
They end up getting the horns when they allow the bull to be fucked time, don't elect an open terrorist group to run your government and then plead for help from the International community.
Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

the main solution to solve this damn conflict is killing all members of the terrorist groups and wrecking the shit out of Iran for once and for all. Ahmadinejhad and Bachar El Hassad are two of the biggest scumbags in the whole middle east.


Name one major terrorist organization in 100 years that has ever been completely eliminated by force?

When you kill a terrorist/freedom fighter there is always another to take their place. They only stop when their goals are met and/or the struggle no longer appeals to them.

BTW Israel isn't attacking Gaza to stop rocket attacks. That's just the justification they give.
They know there is no way to stop the rockets if Gazans want to fire them. They are too easy to make.
In fact, Israel knew their bombings would directly cause many more rocket attacks and Israeli casualties; which they have.

No, Israel is trying to make life for Gazans SO terrible that they will get sick of Hamas and vote them out next election
So its the entire people and their religion?

What a crock...

Have actually ever studied their religion? How many Arabs do you actually know?

And no, I don't think the fanaticals are the majority. The Muslim Religion is a huge and diverse religion. 1.2 billion people, and believe it or not, its growing...

So is it the rest of them too??...

I'm not going to lie, the middle east is corrupt. But to say that its only the Arabs is pretty simplistic.

And not to mention I think Americans are clueless on how diverse the population is..
Try taking someone from Casablanca and someone from Baghdad and see how much they have in common (you'd be lucky if they could even understand each other), or someone from Sana'a and someone from Damascus. Arabic varies greatly, as do the cultural traditions that of the different areas of the Levant, the Gulf, North Africa and East Africa.

Most of the people who speak Arabic today don't have roots in the Arabian peninsula, much like most of people who speak English today don't have roots in England.

No, I'm sure there are some good people that practice Islam out there, especially the ones away from the Middle East, Indian sub-continent, Africa, and the Pacific Rim, but I'm not going to let some good apples redeem a spoiled bunch. Yes, I know that the ones that overtly act like that are probably a minority let alone the ones that are terrorists, but when you add in the people that covertly support them or at least turn a blind eye to what they are doing and don't speak out about it ,it is a majority of the Arabs in the Islamic World. I don't know how anybody can look at the obviousness of the situation and think otherwise. No other religion could do what they do and not be shunned from the society they come from. If we could see people out dancing in the streets for peace with their neighbors and countless people speaking out against the elements of their society that perpetuate hatred then I would be proven wrong, but I'm not because that doesn't happen, thus proving the obviousness of what I say. The few notable people that have even tried have been either exiled, threatened with death, or actually killed by the society they come from. It's kind of funny that Christian, Jewish, Buddest, Hindu, Taoist, and Confucist people of the world don't seem to have that problem anywhere remotely close to what the people that practice Islam do, (or at least haven’t for hundreds of years now if not longer) but Islam is the only major religion in the world that acts that way in a large or organized fashion. On average they are much more hateful, close-minded, tyrannical, oppressive, and totalitarian than any other religion we have.


Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel


Name one major terrorist organization in 100 years that has ever been completely eliminated by force?

When you kill a terrorist/freedom fighter there is always another to take their place. They only stop when their goals are met and/or the struggle no longer appeals to them.

BTW Israel isn't attacking Gaza to stop rocket attacks. That's just the justification they give.
They know there is no way to stop the rockets if Gazans want to fire them. They are too easy to make.
In fact, Israel knew their bombings would directly cause many more rocket attacks and Israeli casualties; which they have.

No, Israel is trying to make life for Gazans SO terrible that they will get sick of Hamas and vote them out next election

This brings to mind the theory that a thousand monkeys in a room with typewriters, given infinite time, will eventually type the Gettysberg Address.

You finally got something exactly right...and it's about time.


No, I'm sure there are some good people that practice Islam out there, especially the ones away from the Middle East, Indian sub-continent, Africa, and the Pacific Rim, but I'm not going to let some good apples redeem a spoiled bunch. Yes, I know that the ones that overtly act like that are probably a minority let alone the ones that are terrorists, but when you add in the people that covertly support them or at least turn a blind eye to what they are doing and don't speak out about it ,it is a majority of the Arabs in the Islamic World. I don't know how anybody can look at the obviousness of the situation and think otherwise. No other religion could do what they do and not be shunned from the society they come from. If we could see people out dancing in the streets for peace with their neighbors and countless people speaking out against the elements of their society that perpetuate hatred then I would be proven wrong, but I'm not because that doesn't happen, thus proving the obviousness of what I say. The few notable people that have even tried have been either exiled, threatened with death, or actually killed by the society they come from. It's kind of funny that Christian, Jewish, Buddest, Hindu, Taoist, and Confucist people of the world don't seem to have that problem anywhere remotely close to what the people that practice Islam do, (or at least haven’t for hundreds of years now if not longer) but Islam is the only major religion in the world that acts that way in a large or organized fashion. On average they are much more hateful, close-minded, tyrannical, oppressive, and totalitarian than any other religion we have.

Not to take away anything from D-rock, but anyone looking objectively at the situation could see that this is exactly so...but reading the skewed posts so many feel compelled to write, the obvious becomes a brilliant statement.

Not setting myself up as a scholar, but having lived in several Muslim countries, and having had a liking for the ancient Bedouin and Desert Arab culture, I am disgusted at the turn the culture has taken in modern times...trying desperately to turn back centuries of human progress and returning to the least enlightened time of human history.
Beheadings, crucifiction, subjugation of their women, ... the majority of the Islamic population still wipe their ass with their left hand... which is why cutting off the right hand is such a severe punishment under Sh'ria Law; you are ostracized from society quite effectively.
Not a good time to be a moderate Muslim.
Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

This brings to mind the theory that a thousand monkeys in a room with typewriters, given infinite time, will eventually type the Gettysberg Address.

You finally got something exactly right...and it's about time.

And when I have any respect whatsoever for you on this particular subject, I'll let you know.

Everyone else that I disagree with in this thread I have at least one positive thing to say about their posts.

But not far.


Hiliary 2020
Not to take away anything from D-rock, but anyone looking objectively at the situation could see that this is exactly so...but reading the skewed posts so many feel compelled to write, the obvious becomes a brilliant statement.

Not setting myself up as a scholar, but having lived in several Muslim countries, and having had a liking for the ancient Bedouin and Desert Arab culture, I am disgusted at the turn the culture has taken in modern times...trying desperately to turn back centuries of human progress and returning to the least enlightened time of human history.
Beheadings, crucifiction, subjugation of their women, ... the majority of the Islamic population still wipe their ass with their left hand... which is why cutting off the right hand is such a severe punishment under Sh'ria Law; you are ostracized from society quite effectively.
Not a good time to be a moderate Muslim.

they actually wipe their butt with their hand? And then what? Wash it or go about their routine?

This just shows how ignorant I am of that culture, and why I don't post much about it.


they actually wipe their butt with their hand? And then what? Wash it or go about their routine?

This just shows how ignorant I am of that culture, and why I don't post much about it.

Never EVER greet a Muslim man by extending your right paw !
It'll go over like Di - No - Mite if you do. :D


they actually wipe their butt with their hand? And then what? Wash it or go about their routine?

This just shows how ignorant I am of that culture, and why I don't post much about it.

Short history...the West learned about this good thing (toilet paper) from the Chinese when the English began trading there a few hundred years ago.
The "toilets" in the Middle East/North Africa are either fancy ceramic footrests with a hole in the middle...with a water spigot and a can of some kind to rinse the hand...or a hole in the floor of the house.
I've seen a pile 4' high under a raised house in Afghanistan, stretching to about 6' long...when I first arrived, I was told to go to the French part of Tangiers when I asked to buy some TP at a shop in Morrocco.
Most of the Western travellers I met along the way caught hep, or became jaundiced, at some point in their time in the Islamic countries. Drains carry straight sewage from houses in the cities to small ditches alongside the streets.
This is where the insult comes from when someone offers to shake with the left hand...and why theives in the Middle Ages and today under Islamic Law have their right hands cut off. No more communal eating, no more touching with the hand.


Re: Hamas wages Iran's Proxy war on Israel

And when I have any respect whatsoever for you on this particular subject, I'll let you know.

Everyone else that I disagree with in this thread I have at least one positive thing to say about their posts.

But not far.
Since I have a good deal of personal knowledge on subjects that I talk about, and you so obviously don't (although that never seems to stop you), your approval is so useless and trivial as to not matter at all.
Please keep any approval of my posts you may have, a secret known only to yourself.