Well...another massive waste of bandwidth.
The previous posters have shown once again that the old truism about opinions and a-holes holds true.
Neither of the previous posters has a clue about the situation in Israel, and if you hit them a few times they would probably scream bloody murder and throw their shoes at you...or something vicious like that.
Israel has been resident in the area for over 3,000 years...slaughtered, dispersed, beat down...but never defeated. Jews, as a religion, are as diverse as any other group. But as a people...they are tough, devoted to family and principles, and believe in God.
Your lack of faith and lack of religious awareness is not really important, millions have seen the way to reconcile the Diety thing and real life, and have found a path that works for most people.
The fact that thousands returned to a virtual wasteland after surviving the Nazi extermination effort, a land known to the few locals living there as the Cursed Land, begin to rebuild the one place Jews have
always called home, and were subsequently attacked by the combined armies of three large Arab countries, seems to have escaped your notice. Young teens, women, and the few men left after the Holocaust, fought back and survived.
Nearly 60 years later, the Arab countries have kept the Palestinians isolated and desperate, pointed at Israel as their latest weapon. Day after day, rockets and mortars shot into Israeli communities aimed directly at civilian populations. From a territory returned to Palestinian control to further the peace effort used only to continue to attack Israel.
And you guys equate Israel with the fake, made up group known as "Palestinians", easily making completely misinformed "religious wars" statements; religion is what it is, many forms are out there; the war in the Middle East is a cultural/political one, religion is just one weapon used by the Islamic Radicals to keep the momentum going. Israel doesn't claim Judaism requires the blood of Muslims or Christians, or Bhuddists, or puppy dogs...that's dogma used by the Islamic culture.
Every year for many many generations, millions of Jews ended their Passover prayers with the phrase "Next Year in Jerusalem"; these Jews were in Ghettos, extermination camps, nice homes in New York, or wherever they found themselves living. Israel is not just a place they ended up living in, it has been and always will be, their home.
Most Palestinians are originally Jordanians, and have no history in the region beyond the small population that was there in the '30s and '40s.
Some actual history of the area.