Islamic State--aka ISIS--Message To The World: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Takes No Prisoners

Interesting read.

Sheldon Filger

Islamic State--aka ISIS--Message To The World: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Takes No Prisoners
Posted: 02/06/2015 4:41 pm EST Updated: 1 hour ago

"The medium is the message"
Marshall McLuhan

In declaring himself caliph of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is following in the footsteps of an ancient role model, Abu al-Abbas, founder of the Abbasid Caliphate. Historians regard the Abbasid dynasty as the most successful Arab Caliphate. Under their rule, Arab-speaking Islamic civilization reached its zenith, and at its peak it exceeded European civilization in its economic and scientific advancement. Its founder, however, did not rise to power on a bed of roses by conforming to what present-day international law experts would label the "rules of war." Abu al-Abbas marched to the beat of a different drummer, whose echoes resonate with the present-day leader of the Islamic State.

Abu al-Abbas appointed himself caliph in a manner replicated by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He initiated a civil war against the then-existing Omayyad Caliphate, raising the black flag that would be copied nearly thirteen centuries later by al-Baghdadi. The founder of the Abbasid dynasty had a very simple military strategy; slaughter every supporter, servant and blood-related operatives of the Omayyad Caliphate, without mercy and always justified on the basis of Islamic texts, suitably interpreted. Then, after the capture of Damascus by his forces in 750 A.D. , the new caliph seemed to relent in his blood lust, inviting eighty surviving officials of the deposed Omayyad Caliphate to a reconciliation dinner. While the unsuspecting dinner guests were gorging on food and drink, they were suddenly attacked by soldiers of the caliph, and hacked to pieces. As described in various Islamic histories, the caliph insisted that the dinner continue, including musical entertainment, without the corpses of the slaughtered victims being removed. Shortly afterwards, Abu al-Abbas delivered his first public address as caliph, in which he proudly referred to himself as "al Saffah," Arabic for "The Bloodshedder." That is how the founder of the Abbasid Caliphate has become known in history, and he is the role model for the man who appointed himself caliph of the nascent Islamic State.

The horrifically barbaric ritual murders being propagated via the Internet by the Islamic State would, in a different context, be classified as snuff pornography. However, in the second decade of the 21st century they amount to weapons of war. The Islamic State may not have an air force to compete with American dominance in the skies over Syria and Iraq, but it does have equal access to the Internet, which in effect serves as the tactical air support for the Islamic State. In an era of asymmetrical warfare, it is the means utilized by al-Baghdadi to create what amounts to a level playing field, enabling him to confront the United States with some degree of success.

Cyberspace has evolved into the most effective operational realm for the Islamic State, and is integrated into all of its activities; military, ideological and psychological. The caliph of the Islamic State has created an image akin to that of the founder of the Abbasid Caliphate; "the Bloodshedder." In one of the video execution spectacles released by the Islamic State, al-Baghdadi declared : "Know that we have armies in Iraq and an army in Sham [Syria] of hungry lions whose drink is blood and play is carnage."

With the Islamic State and its elaborate Internet propaganda arm, it is clear that the medium is indeed the message. It provides the war effort of the new caliphate with a pervasiveness that is truly global in its impact. It conveys the clear message that the armies of al-Baghdadi take no prisoners, and display not the slightest compassion or mercy towards those it deems as the "unbelievers." It also sends another message to that special breed of men it seeks to recruit as fighters; a theologically-sanctified collective psycho-pathology that provides those on our planet with such inclinations an environment to practice barbaric cruelty on human beings without limits of conscience or the restraint of a Western-imposed Geneva Convention.

Standing in opposition to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is President Barack Obama, America's Commander-in-Chief and leader of the Free World, whose latest pronouncement on this conflict, made at the National Prayer Breakfast, was advice to Christians not to get on their "high horse" because of the violence being committed by the Islamic State. "People committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," proffered the President, in connection with the Crusades that occurred a millennium ago (

While Obama engages in an esoteric verbal exercise in deflecting any reference to radical Islamic extremism, his opponent, free of any intellectual ambiguity, ruthlessly but effectively pursues his war against those he deems the unbelievers. If anything, the most recent comments by the president display growing disarray and confusion within the Obama administration on how to wage war against the Islamic State.

I swear to you if we would just develop an electro magnetic pulse bomb to take out all of the electricity in the worst parts of the Arab world , we would be looked upon as heroes and nobody gets nuked . Yeah there may be some collateral damage and deaths attributed to it but those people are used to living in the dark ages anyway and I think not having the internet would drive those motherfuckers out of their minds. We should also design warplanes that look like swine. Let's get creative people!
Standing in opposition to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is President Barack Obama, America's Commander-in-Chief and leader of the Free World, whose latest pronouncement on this conflict, made at the National Prayer Breakfast, was advice to Christians not to get on their "high horse" because of the violence being committed by the Islamic State. "People committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," proffered the President, in connection with the Crusades that occurred a millennium ago (

How Churchillian of him. What a f'n disgrace. And how is any of that fucking relevant to right now? How bad is it when the king of some tin-pot country in the middle-east is showing more nad than the president of what is still the most powerful nation on this earth? ISIS burned alive a Jordanian pilot but they've beheaded 2 American citizens and have one left - a 26-year-old woman who I don't even want to think about. Hopefully Jordan can rescue her.
Don't want to beat a dead horse but all of this is Donald Rumsfeldt fault.

Plus what ever happen to the new Iraqi forces with our equipment and training can't take these asshole out?
I swear to you if we would just develop an electro magnetic pulse bomb to take out all all the electricity in the worst parts of the Arab world , we would be looked upon as heroes and nobody gets nuked or killed. Yeah there may be some collateral damage and deaths attributed to it but those people are used to living in the dark ages anyway and I think not having the internet would drive those motherfuckers out of their minds. We should also design warplanes that look like swine. Let's get creative people!

We need those M.U.T.O. monster thing-a-ma-jigs. Just get our stuff outta there first so our planes and drones don't fall outta the sky. They'd think something worse than Satan and more powerful than Allah was coming after them. I hope they can't summon Godzilla to balance the scale.



التعامل معها
Total destruction is the only solution. it ain't no use no one can strop them now.

Both sides. Citizens on both sides need to do this and fuck the leaders:

bWe no know how we and dem a-go work this out, oy!
We no know how we and dem a-go work it out.

But someone will 'ave to pay
For the innocent blood
That they shed every day,
Oh, children, mark my word;
It's what the Bible say, yeah! yeah!

Read more: Bob Marley - We And Dem Lyrics | MetroLyrics
just think about this.

Obama is saying before you judge ISIS too harshly think of what the christians did 1000 years ago during the crusades.

the government we chose and the government we deserve. reap it america.
a 26-year-old woman who I don't even want to think about.

And now she's been reported killed.


U.S. intelligence officials are investigating a claim by ISIS that its sole known remaining American hostage, an aid worker held for nearly a year and a half, has been killed, and the terrorist group's claim that her death came in a Jordanian airstrike, sources told Fox News.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Don't want to beat a dead horse but all of this is Donald Rumsfeldt fault.

Plus what ever happen to the new Iraqi forces with our equipment and training can't take these asshole out?

You go right ahead and beat that horse...there is no reason why everyone should be reminded of what America did, and how we started half of this bullshit. Our helicopters are being shot down with Stinger missiles, that fucking asshole gave them, when he was the head of the CIA under daddy bush.

animus fox said:
just think about this.

Obama is saying before you judge ISIS too harshly think of what the christians did 1000 years ago during the crusades.

the government we chose and the government we deserve. reap it america.

I didn't choose the fucktard! I will accept none of the blame for his being elected. Having said that, I find it amusing that people say that, but never seem to realize that the christians at least evolved, and switched from violence to political manipulation, and blatant conniving and brow beating. Maybe if the muslims learned to stop being assholes, and tried to work with the system, we wouldn't want to carpet bomb them into a vast, barren, lifeless wasteland of nothing but sand.

Which by the way, is what we should be doing...pull EVERY soldier out of the middle east, and start sending squadrons of heavy bombers over there, around the clock. I also firmly believe ANY terrorist, that kills in the name of his religion, that is captured, and put to death after his due process, should be executed in a manner that will prevent his martyrdom, and achieving his goal of 72 virgins and heaven. I suggest the most humiliating way drowning them in a tub of pigs blood.
Obama has also spent the past 6 months trying to separate ISIS from Islam. Mind you that he has not tried to say that it is a radical faction of Islam or will even entertain the notion.. So I ask you, if ISIS isn't Islam and Islam isn't ISIS, the why in the fuck are you bending over backwards to equivocate acts by Christians a thousand years ago, to events that happened this week by people that are no way shape or form associated with Islam?

I'm sorry Obama supporters but he is a dumb ass.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'm sorry Obama supporters but he is a dumb ass.

Bold words coming from a party with the sort of track record the GOP has on just about everything. It's alright though, I don't totally dismiss your criticism, there's certainly some validity to the perception that Obama hasn't talked tough enough shit to IS(IS) or whatever the fuck they're calling themselves. At any rate, tough talk has it's place, but then again, so do head shots, and if I recall correctly Bin Laden was taken out on Obama's watch, not the previous president's, so yeah, there's the whole matter of putting your money where your mouth is, as it were. Doesn't really matter who sits in the Oval Office, none of them are going to be able to solve the Middle East problem and you and all republicans can throw jabs at a Democratic president, me and all democrats can throw jabs at a Republican president, it's all just shit talk, you've said yourself in other posts that we can't solve this problem. Short of turning the Middle East into a big fucking lake, that's probably true, SO calling Obama "dumb ass" serves what purpose? If he's a dumb ass, show me any fucking politician that isn't.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I didn't choose the fucktard! I will accept none of the blame for his being elected.
Obama is a product of the two party dog-and-pony-show circus. If you support this system, you are as much to blame as every one else who supports it. Don't worry, you're in a comfortable overwhelming majority of voters.

Having said that, I find it amusing that people say that, but never seem to realize that the christians at least evolved, and switched from violence to political manipulation, and blatant conniving and brow beating.
After I made my post in the other related thread about the underlying motives for ISIS and the like, I find myself wondering exactly this - though proving such would be a proper thesis hardly fit for a forum post (nor the field I'm studying anyway), I am beginning to think one of the key reasons Christianity evolved when Islam did not is exactly what you say: they simply found a better means of control and wealth concentration. And hey, I've got to give it to them; it is much better, for everyone involved.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
just think about this.

Obama is saying before you judge ISIS too harshly think of what the Christians did 1000 years ago during the crusades.

the government we chose and the government we deserve. reap it america.

I disagree with your assessment. He's referring to Muslims in general, not ISIS. Let's not get crazy with our hate for Obama, folks. There's plenty of material to work with without making contrived controversies.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Sell them the bullets and lease the equipment. Intelligence too. Sunni, Shiite, Warlords, Chiefs, whatever. We've never seen a President become popular there and shouldn't aspire to have one either. The vast majority will always hate us. Not just for our political policies but our lifestyles and values also. Hand it to them and let them sort that shit out. Most of all, no boots on the ground. Go kill each other before that shit spreads over here. The middle-east is a litter box. Let them scoop the shit out before it smells up the whole house.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sell them the bullets and lease the equipment. Intelligence too. Sunni, Shiite, Warlords, Chiefs, whatever. We've never seen a President become popular there and shouldn't aspire to have one either. The vast majority will always hate us. Not just for our political policies but our lifestyles and values also. Hand it to them and let them sort that shit out. Most of all, no boots on the ground. Go kill each other before that shit spreads over here. The middle-east is a litter box. Let them scoop the shit out before it smells up the whole house.

I agree 110%, but the main problem with that happening, is the Israeli factor. There is such a huge financial contribution issue in this country, that our politicians are wearing knee pads, and putting on chapstik to get in line for their pocket full. While I think Israel is good to have for an ally, that situation needs to be re worked. The only reason I veer off on that tangent is obviously because letting them sort it out themselves could very well have them starting shit with Israel, and that means major carnage. They will launch nukes, without restraint. Especially now that obama is the president. I don't think Putin and Russia, are the only ones that see him as a weak leader, and I don't think he has the ability to keep the countries in check, that others in the past have.
Bold words coming from a party with the sort of track record the GOP has on just about everything. It's alright though, I don't totally dismiss your criticism, there's certainly some validity to the perception that Obama hasn't talked tough enough shit to IS(IS) or whatever the fuck they're calling themselves. At any rate, tough talk has it's place, but then again, so do head shots, and if I recall correctly Bin Laden was taken out on Obama's watch, not the previous president's, so yeah, there's the whole matter of putting your money where your mouth is, as it were. Doesn't really matter who sits in the Oval Office, none of them are going to be able to solve the Middle East problem and you and all republicans can throw jabs at a Democratic president, me and all democrats can throw jabs at a Republican president, it's all just shit talk, you've said yourself in other posts that we can't solve this problem. Short of turning the Middle East into a big fucking lake, that's probably true, SO calling Obama "dumb ass" serves what purpose? If he's a dumb ass, show me any fucking politician that isn't.

Excuse me? My comment was about his equivocation of Islam to Christianity. Not about successes or failure in this war which by the way he refuses to acknowledge we are in. That can be for a future thread. He has made some of the stupidest comments at the most crucial times. I won't repeat my earlier comment about him since it offends you so much.