All things considered, and especially given the following notables below, is it conceivable that the U.S. may no longer be the world's foremost superpower?
Make no mistake about it, Russia is a formidable adversary and then some, and should not be underestimated!
All things considered, and especially given the following notables below, is it conceivable that the U.S. may no longer be the world's foremost superpower?
- White House instability and/or dysfunction
- Deep internal cultural and political divisions, fostering societal fractures at levels possibly not seen since Civil War
- Erosion of U.S. global image and reputation
- General weakening of relationships with its allies
- Enormous national debt of $21.5 trillion
- Russian influence and/or manipulation capability of US elections
- Russian demonstration of military reach, power, and capability as evidenced by deployment and execution of operations in Syria, successfully achieving mission objectives
- Russian announcement indicating military development of non-detectable/non-interceptable ICBMs
- Approval rating of 81% for Russian President Vladimir Putin (indicating strong solidarity among the Russian people behind their leader), versus the comparatively paltry approval rating
of 35% for President Trump.
Make no mistake about it, Russia is a formidable adversary and then some, and should not be underestimated!