Is This How Lazy People Really Are?

I'm all for informal writing when you're texting/writing E-mails to friends and family, but if these idiots have their way, our kids will be writing sentences like:
"I culdnt eet nemore froot cus i alredy had enuff earlyer."

I swear, some people protest the most stupidest things. Is literacy really something we want gone?

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Viola thus we have a conflict of Interests. most words with bizarre spelling only exist because of the words origin, I am SO guilty of typing in shorthand and slang that people ask if I am 15 yrs old. But when I am typing and I don't care about spelling I use shorthand or slang whenever possible.

There are many words in the English Vocabulary that are just present to fuck up our spelling accuracy. lol. Trick words, and words that are spelled way different from how they are ie. said, pronounced, or sound, often piss me off as well, but I guess if words are spelled or based off the origin of the word, who are we to change it? :dunno: The Argument carries on.
:D :2 cents:

I'm all for informal writing when you're texting/writing E-mails to friends and family, but if these idiots have their way, our kids will be writing sentences like:
"I culdnt eet nemore froot cus i alredy had enuff earlyer."

I swear, some people protest the most stupidest things. Is literacy really something we want gone?

I hope Roberta Mahoney breaks her fucking hip. The saddest fucking thing is that kids don't even really need to know how to spell today, thanks to SpellCheck in the palm of their hand, yet they're too fucking lazy to even use that.

This country is truly fucking doomed. Chinese kids are learning Cantonese, Mandarin and English and, over here, a former principal wants to make spelling an individual expression.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Good lord...
And this comes from a former principal. :eek:
Hell,if I can learn to spell english they can too.
Or maybe the teachers are too lazy?
And there's one school employee who should never step foot near another one again.
Newspeak, anyone?

Having known several people who speak English as a second language I have been told that it is one of the most difficult languages to learn, so I'm not doubting that it's hard for children to learn how to spell and read when they first start out. But when this population comes from a predominantly English speaking country, where for generations the language has been spoken and taught throughout that period of time then you really cannot apportion blame on the language itself but the way it's being taught.

Plus there are always one or two slower children (or dumbasses) in every school. Why should their inability to grasp what's being taught hold the other 60% (if we're using the figures given in the article) back?
This is the time when kids need to be beaten veraciously on the account of their stupidity! Due to the ostentatious validity of this article I shall partake in a new national holiday called: Beat-a-Kid Day to straighten them up, get them off texting, and back in schools to get a education.

Oh... it has too many syllables for you to understand my verbose lexicon?



Fuck the kids of today! They are worthless! They aren't worth a fucking nickle! They are whiners, expect everything to be handed to them, and expect a free ride in a fancy car for a lifetime!

I hope the real world to them will be very cruel and very harsh for them. Just so they know what it is like to actually depend on themselves and to have to support themselves!

Damn! Talk about scaling down the country fifty more notches if this happens!!!

Excerpt from article: "...the current language obstructs 40 percent of the population from learning how to read, write and spell."

I find this hard to believe. The current spelling of words is not the cause. It is the poor educational system and parents that don't give a shit.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It should be legal to murder idiots like this. It's called natural selection.
Roberta Mahoney, 81, a former Fairfax County, Va. elementary school principal, said the current language obstructs 40 percent of the population from learning how to read, write and spell

Ok, so what about the other 60% (allegedly) of us that have spent a good portion of our lives learning to respect the language which we speak, taking the time to understand and appreciate the (waining, apparently) importance of correct spelling? Are we then supposed to unlearn how to spell, and dumb ourselves (and our country as a whole) down even further than the perception of us that the rest of the world already holds?

"Speling is un m-portint yalls, fuk all da h8rs of gud gramor n speling n junk."

Excerpt from article: "...the current language obstructs 40 percent of the population from learning how to read, write and spell."

I find this hard to believe. The current spelling of words is not the cause. It is the poor educational system and parents that don't give a shit.
^Also, this. Especially the "parents that don't give a shit," part.