is there any food that you hate ?

foot you hate

  • hell yeah, there's plenty of food that i hate

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • yep. only one or two

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • not at all. i can eat everything!

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • i don't eat food. only blood.

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
Anyone have a problem with Braunscheiger? I've found there's quite a few people out there that can't stand the stuff. Personally, I don't have a problem with it. :tongue:


Lord Dipstick
ANY seafood except for fried shrimp! :1orglaugh
Canned vegetables. Gotta have them fresh, either cooked or raw. I am from the San Francisco Bay Area and have tried almost everything Can't say I hate/diskike any type of food.
i d;on't like Mashed Potatoes and Mayonaise.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I just can't get used to shit sandwiches on rye. My room-mates keep trying to get me hooked. I just don't like them.

Try 'em with a liberal amount of Miracle Whip and lettuce....improves the taste and texture dramatically! Also, they are MUCH better on whole wheat so give that a shot. :thumbsup:

Anyone have a problem with Braunscheiger? I've found there's quite a few people out there that can't stand the stuff. Personally, I don't have a problem with it. :tongue:

Personally, I LOVE braunschweiger....especially with mustard! Not the best thing in the world for you health-wise (loaded with cholesterol) but I love the flavor.

Personally, I LOVE braunschweiger....especially with mustard! Not the best thing in the world for you health-wise (loaded with cholesterol) but I love the flavor.

Most definitely it has a distinct flavor. My parents went to the homeless shelter when I was a kid and passed out Braunschweiger sandwiches to bums. That was my first experience with the processed meat. Actually, now I wanna head to Cub and pick up a pack for old time sake. :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Veal. I've seen the veal calf process. Can't eat it anymore. Other than that, I'm not fond of liver, but I can eat it.
My worst nightmare food is "BOILED" okra. I can eat it fried or pickled but NOT boiled...the water turns into a mucous like fluid...makes me gag just to take it out of the pan :pukey:
Veal. I've seen the veal calf process. Can't eat it anymore. Other than that, I'm not fond of liver, but I can eat it.

That is a really sad process...those poor young calves are kept in a very small area, fed through tubes then slaughtered when ready. I used to love veal scallopini before I knew the process...:(

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That is a really sad process...those poor young calves are kept in a very small area, fed through tubes then slaughtered when ready. I used to love veal scallopini before I knew the process...:(

Same here. A friend of my dad's raised them when his milk cows had calves. They keep them hold up in these dark little box-like pens. They end up anemic and freakish looking. I used to love veal. But I just can't do it anymore - and I have a very strong stomach.
all cheese pizza, cheese omlettes, those damn string cheese snack sticks, mac and cheese thats extra cheesy.........well you see where Im going with this. Some people are cheese adicts. I personaly will puke If I eat to much of it by itself.
Anyone have a problem with Braunscheiger? I've found there's quite a few people out there that can't stand the stuff. Personally, I don't have a problem with it. :tongue:

I love it. I actually buy it once a month or so. It is phenomenal with mustard, as Jagz said. Great game snack.

I hate raw onion slices or cooked onions. I only "tolerate" raw onions if they're diced and included in salsa. I basically can't stand onions.

I don't like liver, mayonaise, dijon mustard, horseradish (I'm cool with wasabi though).

I also don't like tomato slices. I like my tomatoes pulverized into a sauce or diced...:dunno:

I'm a somewhat picky eater, but I never make changes when I order from a restaurant. I trust that the chef is talented enough to make the dish appealing...