Is it straight for men to like transmen??


Die For Me
I've seen Buck Angel before. I think you would probably be gay if you were attracted to someone like him, so yea, gay
So, they look like guys but have vaginas? To me that seems way more gay than being attracted to a she-male, at least a she-male looks like a chick (in some to most cases), but you're talking about getting hot for dudes that look like dudes. To me that's as gay as it gets.
In theory its gay, however you could also be attracted to 'him' just because you like fact that 'he' once was a girl. That's a fantasy thing.
I don't think you could call a man who has sex with a transman gay because technically you're still having sex with a woman. The same would also apply to any women who has sex with shemales, you couldn't call them homosexual because they're still having heterosexual sex. Now of course there's a certain "bi" element to it because having sex with someone who looks like a member of your own sex even if they technically aren't obviously has some element of same sex interest about it.

Do I ever get attracted to them? No.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Wow, these "is it gay or is it straight" threads are exhausting.
It is GAY! :nanner:

Will E Worm

I've seen Buck Angel before. I think you would probably be gay if you were attracted to someone like him, so yea, gay

He's considered a hermaphrodite. I guess he's not really a "he."

You know, no wiener and all. ;)


Good question , cause really she is a female & Ive seen plenty of people including me saying if its born with a dick , no matter what its a guy . Now the boots on the other foot , I like what you are trying to say here yv put a bit of thought into this one!!!

But my answer has to be NO , Im just not into hairy bums and faces , even hairy woman put me off lol and girls that look like guys are a no , no as well , even if they have all the right bodyparts :)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Great another tranny thread. Anytime balls have the opportunity to touch, it's gay.
Sexuality is fluid, not black and white. If you adhere to the latter in your life "philosophy"? My best of luck, you will miss everything cool and die angry. There is no such thing as straight or gay, there is orientation. enLighten up folks.

"Men are governed by lines of intellect, women by waves of emotion" James Joyce
Great another tranny thread. Anytime balls have the opportunity to touch, it's gay.

J': Then by your very own definition my dear boy. If you fucked Buck Angel, well then, ur like totally straight (lol). Have at it.


Biology loves diversity, society hates it. You are not expressing a fact but rather your fear and confusion about human nature. It's stating a preformed emotional prejudice, and fear as fact. What I can see by your sole sentence of thought. Is that you are flummoxed and indifferent.

Thinking in terms of black and white is not thinking, it's lazy and juvenile. Because real thinking is emotional and hard at first. Think harder. Challenge your reality. It will make you uncomfortable. Face that? And you'll become a better thinker.

Sorry folks, we're complicated apes, not fallen angels.
