Iran to hang teenage girl attacked by rapists

now this is just wrong

Iran Focus said:
Sat. 07 Jan 2006

Tehran, Iran, Jan. 07 – An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece.

The state-run daily Etemaad reported on Saturday that 18-year-old Nazanin confessed to stabbing one of three men who had attacked the pair along with their boyfriends while they were spending some time in a park west of the Iranian capital in March 2005.

Nazanin, who was 17 years old at the time of the incident, said that after the three men started to throw stones at them, the two girls’ boyfriends quickly escaped on their motorbikes leaving the pair helpless.

She described how the three men pushed her and her 16-year-old niece Somayeh onto the ground and tried to rape them, and said that she took out a knife from her pocket and stabbed one of the men in the hand.

As the girls tried to escape, the men once again attacked them, and at this point, Nazanin said, she stabbed one of the men in the chest. The teenage girl, however, broke down in tears in court as she explained that she had no intention of killing the man but was merely defending herself and her younger niece from rape, the report said.

The court, however, issued on Tuesday a sentence for Nazanin to be hanged to death.

Last week, a court in the city of Rasht, northern Iran, sentenced Delara Darabi to death by hanging charged with murder when she was 17 years old. Darabi has denied the charges.

In August 2004, Iran’s Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing “acts incompatible with chastity”.

The teenage victim had no access to a lawyer at any stage and efforts by her family to retain one were to no avail. Atefeh personally defended herself and told the religious judge that he should punish those who force women into adultery, not the victims. She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka.
That's horrible they were trying to defend themselfs, now they face the death penalty and there boyfriends weren't any help either.
Yeah, and imagine them having nuclear power. :eek: Christ, one of my best friends is Iranian and her family left because of this sort of shit. They now are in the UAE; they're still Muslim, but they don't believe in this sort of extremist shit.

Fucking deplorable and sad. Iran has many beautiful aspects, but sadly they're wildly (now again) led my a maniac.


Pardon my particularly foul mouth, but I'm upset by this sort of irrational, senseless, pointless, extremist, religious HORSESHIT. :ban: :mad: :thefinger

All zealots are like this:
"Them"? This is the kind of thing that bugs me. "Them" as "them Iranians" or "them" as "them bastards who treat their fellow human beings as dirt and can be found in every single country of the world"? Distinguishing these two is vital


It's good to be the king...
I wonder what Muhammed would have thought about this - people dying in protests about measly cartoons, yet hardly a murmur for this poor girl....
Extremism in any sort of belief/opinion usually leads to violence and/or other conflicts. People need to chill the hell out. :lovecoupl Life should be for loving and learning and happiness, not killing and hating. :2 cents: :hatsoff: :nanner:


Rastagir said:
"Them"? This is the kind of thing that bugs me. "Them" as "them Iranians" or "them" as "them bastards who treat their fellow human beings as dirt and can be found in every single country of the world"? Distinguishing these two is vital

Well, you're right, but I get tired of having to distinguish them. As far as I'm concerned, they are animals.

The next time someone gets all weepy eyed about Americans or westerners pushing our ideals and/or values on other cultures, keep situations like this in mind. Iran is one country I wouldn't mind destroying to save it.
So, if I understand this correctly, your ideal solution is to carpet bomb, or nuke the entire nation of Iran to save people like Nazanin from being brutally murdered? You think that Nazanin and everybody else there would prefer being nuked than hanged?
The day we act like monsters, the day where we decide to push little red buttons and wipe out nations, the day when we are tired of having to distinguish them and choose the easy way out, is the day where western civilization has been reduced to a fascist regime. The day where "freedom for all" and "equallity" and "human rights" will be nothing more than empty excuses to boss beople around. The day where everything we hold dear and precious will be shattered. We DON'T push ideals. We show them, we use them among us and show our example to everyone who doesn't share them. We don't force, we don't dictate, we don't wipe out whoever doesn't share our values. We fight from a weaker point, yes, because we respect them and they don't, because we follow rules and they don't. But this is our power, or at least this should be our power. The power to fight monsters without becoming monsters.


Rastagir said:
So, if I understand this correctly, your ideal solution is to carpet bomb, or nuke the entire nation of Iran to save people like Nazanin from being brutally murdered? You think that Nazanin and everybody else there would prefer being nuked than hanged?
The day we act like monsters, the day where we decide to push little red buttons and wipe out nations, the day when we are tired of having to distinguish them and choose the easy way out, is the day where western civilization has been reduced to a fascist regime. The day where "freedom for all" and "equallity" and "human rights" will be nothing more than empty excuses to boss beople around. The day where everything we hold dear and precious will be shattered. We DON'T push ideals. We show them, we use them among us and show our example to everyone who doesn't share them. We don't force, we don't dictate, we don't wipe out whoever doesn't share our values. We fight from a weaker point, yes, because we respect them and they don't, because we follow rules and they don't. But this is our power, or at least this should be our power. The power to fight monsters without becoming monsters.

Y'know, you had me going until I remembered a little thing called World War II. We let Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito slide until there was nothing left to do but spend 5 years and millions of lives blasting the living shit out of them. But wait!!! We didn't actually blast them individually, we incinerated and shot countless thousands of the poor saps they were leading. We destroyed their economies so that thousands more died of starvation, disease and a gazillion other ancillary reasons. But hey, that was then, this is now, right? Hanging little girls is oh so different from rounding up Jews. Nuke plants of today have no parallel to forming a Gestapo and SS back then.

Yup, you're right. They are not megalo-maniacal assholes with a singular and intolerant world view. They're not a jumped up military dictatorship that won't go away until someone disembowels them. They are simply misunderstood.
And, again, I am asking you: By "They" you mean the entire nation or the ones at the top? Do we hold the view "kill them all and sleep easily in our beds" or "try for the best until there is nothing else to do"?
You do have a point about WWII. Yes, Hitler accomplished what he did because none believed he would take things so far, none draw a line and said "enough is enough". But ask yourself this: wasn't Germany, at that time, a nation deprived of it's pride? Wasn't a nation with it's back against a wall, wasn't a nation which felt that the entire world was against it, wasn't a nation boiling with anger and saw Hitler and his madness the only way out? After WWI, we created the conditions for a nation to follow the first fool who promised to bring back the "lost pride". And we do the same thing now. This is NOT an excuse to justify the execution of a 17 year old girl, no excuse for all the atrocities that have been commited in the Middle East as a whole.
Also, I wonder about the "shoot them now, ask questions later" policy. We get through the philosophy that to eradicate evil, we wipe them out, no questiones asked, before the crime is commited. We start wars on the account of "possible threats" and no threats as per see. How long do you think will it be until this philosophy enters our houses? How long do you think will it be until your government will arrest you for something you are able to do, but not yet done it? How long do you think until our values are distorted and have our freedoms deprived in order to secure Freedom? It has begun already.
You are right. Sometimes, enough is enough, and when there are no more words to say then we must press the little red button. Sometimes I do feel that we are racing to our doom as a race, that the mistakes of the past hasn't tought us a thing, that we deserve to be extinct. That killing each other is in our genes, that pushing red buttons our destiny. But this must be the last, and not our first resort. And when push comes to shove, I am the first to say "better them than me". But we must not fight fire with fire. We must not choose the easy way. We know we are superior in arms, we know we can wipe them out in a single day, if we choose to do so. But, for that reason only, we cannot. Because then we shall become what we most despise: fanatically inhuman, who are brainwashed to say "they are all the same, who needs them?"
One last thing: I don't know whether you are an American, or not. But I believe that what is the core of American power is the power of one to be able to exist with others tottaly different than him. There lies her power: to unify different people, different cultures, different views under the banner of freedom and respect for one another. I have no doubt in my mind that every American who follows his country's ideals would give his life to protect an Iranian-American. If the world was as tolerant as
America (or, at least, the idea of America) to one another, this would have been a bloody better planet.
stek1983 said:
now this is just wrong
And you think this has never happened in the US either?
Granted, I don't think a woman would get the chair today for such, but some have been convicted of man-slaughter.
Rape is one of the most difficult things to convict someone of in the United States.
Mayhem said:
Well, you're right, but I get tired of having to distinguish them. As far as I'm concerned, they are animals.

The next time someone gets all weepy eyed about Americans or westerners pushing our ideals and/or values on other cultures, keep situations like this in mind. Iran is one country I wouldn't mind destroying to save it.

You know, I feel, THIS particular attitude gives birth to the persons like Osama. And THIS particular attitude allows secret services all over the world like CIA to use Osamas against their enemies, give them arms and money, make them more evil and powerfull. (Think of Afganisthan & the history of rise of the Talibans)

And then cry foul when the frankenstines turn around to their makers.
Why we don't just turn those countries into parking lots and be done with it I don't know.
Notice that there's no Arabs in Star trek....hmmmm?
Maybe Gene Roddenberry knew something about the future after all.


********** said:
And they wonder why half of the rest of the world sees America as the bad guys.

...if you mean by that one post, then "the rest of the world" has more predjudice and stereotypes of Americans than Americans have of them....

"They" - c'mon fox, you're better than that. They this, they that....

********** said:
America has done far more to harm the world, as a whole, and you can survey the planet and the majority will agree wholeheartedly, than any other nation, muslim or otherwise.

I disagree with that. The idea that America exports harm more than good is ridiculous. There may be a handful of bad men (be it government or business) that have sinister motives - but the world view (as you wrote) would be misinformed by these few. Maybe much the same as the Western view of Islam is skewed by a few bad seeds.

The idea of a singular America in the first place is hard for me to swallow. America does this or America does that. It's far from so cut and dry. America is a huge country in terms of population, diversity and landmass. If the world really does (and I don't think your statement is accurate) see America as harmful, then those that believe that are perhaps more ignorant and shut in than the American stereotype.

I lived there for years and was completed most of my higher education there. For the most part, I learned how to blend and think in an American way. I found America and Americans far more accepting of a foreigner and foreign ways than any other country in which I've lived or travelled. Making the blanket statements, imo made up percentages, like you have and claim the "world" does, is misleading and bigoted. I've lived and travelled in some of the seediest hellholes in South Central Asia and central Africa, places without the luxury of time to form an opinion about their own countries, let alone a superpower halfway around the world.

The doctrine of disgust of the USA is even more vile when it emerges in the guise of liberals (of which I am one). The world is far too closely linked to blame any one nation or one man or one company for the problems in the world. They are solved, not by wars, not by hate, not by extremism, but by contact and education. The truth is an elusive element today (and I think it has always been so).

That said, it is not a surprise that an American administration, made up largely of Christian and Jewish extremists, is at odds, not with many secular nations, but rather their extremist counterparts around the world. It'a not so much an American bully throwing it's weight around as much as a school yard name calling and scuffle, puffed chest and cage rattling. In these cases, though, real people die and have their lives ruined. As one side digs in and becomes hardcore, so does the other side, equally. IMO Europe, though largely, and maybe completely, made up of lame ducks, should play the role of mediator - a role in which they have failed miserabley. So, throw Europe into the pot of exporting harm too. You see, the only thing, in the end, that you have a chance of controlling, are your own actions. I've lived a proper and positive life and have to believe that my actions, small or large as they have been and will be, will contribute to the betterment of the world - as I hope most of you can say.
The whole "they, them, us, you, whoever" things aside, I find the whole article unfortunate. I dont agree with it at all (that could be anyones mother, sister, girlfriend, wife...any woman) but...its outcome is just another example of the "little guy" recieving unfair treatment from the "big guy" majority (at least in my mind). Although hanging may seem extreme to some, every country has its commonalities and penalties of law. Its comparable to something else, somewhere else. Why it happens has nothing to do with the people or place. It happens everywhere...just on different scales. Im not hippie...but unfortunately, justice is a tough nut to crack, and even tougher to understand. Everyone should be bitchin' about the poor girls' loser boyfriends who took off. Now "they" are assholes.
Brilliant post, BNF.

I honestly don't understand why anyone hates anyone. What it boils down to is differences in beliefs, cultures, economies, and borders, IMO. I believe in a world without borders (uh oh this will get some reaction :eek: ) where people are free to come and go wherever and whenever they want - choice. The only problem in that is that, if ever implemented, the USA and European countries, and perhaps Australia would be FLOODED with new residents and the infrastructures of those countries would be insufficient. There are more countries/regions that would be similarly burdened, but I just tossed those out because they're the most obvious ones.

If people were free to live wherever they wanted to in this world, under whatever governmental system existed in that country, or of course just to stay where they are, I think the world would be much more harmonious; people would "make their own beds and lie in them given the choice and envy and hatred of one another would be lessened.

There are, of course, limitations. Some people are too poor to get out of where they live. Fuck, I've been in that situation before myself. I'd propose an international charitable organization or tax or something to help those who want to relocate.

It's just a thought. There's too much needless hate and misunderstanding in the world (I was worried people would think I was off-topic, but now I think the chain has been linked). We need more translators/interpreters in this world and far fewer soldiers, IMO. :2 cents:

Yeah, I'm a liberal (with libertarian tendencies) and a Democrat. :nanner: :thefinger :thumbsup:
Long post short: Back in Sinbad's time the Middle East was nothing like it is today... people drank, and dancing was allowed etc. The hatred of the West began when the Middle Eastern countries became independent their new leader's had to then choose what direction they wanted their newly independent countries to go in. An example would be Iraq in the 50's the ruling monarchy wanted to modernize Iraq and befriend the West, but the Baathists didn't wan't that and overthrew the monarchy putting Saddam into power, and the rest is history.
BNF said:

"They" - c'mon fox, you're better than that. They this, they that....

I disagree with that. The idea that America exports harm more than good is ridiculous. There may be a handful of bad men (be it government or business) that have sinister motives - but the world view (as you wrote) would be misinformed by these few. Maybe much the same as the Western view of Islam is skewed by a few bad seeds.

You are right to disagree with this view. Lumping the entire population in one single mass is not correct.

BNF said:
America is a huge country in terms of population, diversity and landmass. If the world really does (and I don't think your statement is accurate) see America as harmful, then those that believe that are perhaps more ignorant and shut in than the American stereotype.

Once again you are right.

BNF said:
Making the blanket statements, imo made up percentages, like you have and claim the "world" does, is misleading and bigoted. ------
The doctrine of disgust of the USA is even more vile when it emerges in the guise of liberals (of which I am one). The world is far too closely linked to blame any one nation or one man or one company for the problems in the world. They are solved, not by wars, not by hate, not by extremism, but by contact and education. The truth is an elusive element today (and I think it has always been so).

That said, it is not a surprise that an American administration, made up largely of Christian and Jewish extremists, is at odds, not with many secular nations, but rather their extremist counterparts around the world. It'a not so much an American bully throwing it's weight around as much as a school yard name calling and scuffle, puffed chest and cage rattling. In these cases, though, real people die and have their lives ruined. As one side digs in and becomes hardcore, so does the other side, equally. IMO Europe, though largely, and maybe completely, made up of lame ducks, should play the role of mediator - a role in which they have failed miserabley. So, throw Europe into the pot of exporting harm too. You see, the only thing, in the end, that you have a chance of controlling, are your own actions. I've lived a proper and positive life and have to believe that my actions, small or large as they have been and will be, will contribute to the betterment of the world - as I hope most of you can say.

But then the question arises, whether the believer of small things are in control in USA? Because its USA who exports war to other countries. Travel the history of North Korea to Iraq via Vietnam,Afganisthan etc and you may understand the view projected regarding the disgust towards USA. Though I may not subscibe to that view.

More over why they repeatedly gets elected and what the likes of you do?

Its the fear that makes one agressive. The felines prove that theory and the snakes as well. (Snakes are by nature very timid and shy.) Is it that USA is led mainly by cowards? Are they (the few who leads USA) always afraid of loosing control? And is that why war is taken to other countries in the name of "THreat to USA's freedom?

This is a thought, You should put your mind to, BNF.
Mayhem said:
Well, you're right, but I get tired of having to distinguish them.
As far as I'm concerned, they are animals.
Just like Americans were the same as the French Imperalists who tried to reclaim their colonies after WWII?
Lack of paying attention to DETAIL goes BOTH WAYS!

God knows we are fighting some of the same views of us now in the middle east that have roots in British Imperalism from a century gone.
In the same regard you call ALL of them "animals," Americans are viewed as just another Imperalist nation -- despite our NOT using 1 drop of oil in a key time of high petroleum prices.

In fact, more educated Iranians can QUICKLY make a GOOD ANALYSIS between the US Federal Reserve, it's owning banks and the Royal banks of the UK. ;)
So, ATTENTION TO DETAIL instead of STEREOTYPING is ALWAYS a "good idea." ;)

Mayhem said:
The next time someone gets all weepy eyed about Americans or westerners pushing our ideals and/or values on other cultures, keep situations like this in mind.
Likewise about Western history.
Mayhem said:
Iran is one country I wouldn't mind destroying to save it.
Sigh, I hope you're not a fellow American.
Common sit back and fire off cruise missiles instead of trying to do something.
Try to understand the REAL PLIGHT of a people.

I'm not trying to be argumentative or bash you.
But labeling an ENTIRE PEOPLE as "animals" is just another form of RACISM.

Same reason why American troops in South Vietnam didn't stand a chance.
We were just viewed as more Western Imperalists.