iPhone4 VS HTC Evo

Too true. Old, but true.

Many people falsely believe just because Apple is a popular name brand and that is expensive, that these things make them the best game in town. But when one researches articles comparing iphones with rival smartphones, one learns that iphone isn't the best although their big budget marketing campaigns and fans of their products would have you believe otherwise
Many people falsely believe just because Apple is a popular name brand and that is expensive, that these things make them the best game in town. But when one researches articles comparing iphones with rival smartphones, one learns that iphone isn't the best although their big budget marketing campaigns and fans of their products would have you believe otherwise

well, regardless of what one thinks of Apple as a company, brand or their products no one can deny that they have marketing down...they've come a long way as far as brand growth goes
well, regardless of what one thinks of Apple as a company, brand or their products no one can deny that they have marketing down...they've come a long way as far as brand growth goes

True. I'm glad that they have chosen to stay in the U.S. instead of laying off American workers by outsourcing their jobs to 3rd World countries in order to make more profits.

Instead of spending too much on marketing, they should spend more on making necessary improvements and lowering the costs of their products before the competition takes them out or forces them to ship their operations overseas for cheap labor
Many people falsely believe just because Apple is a popular name brand and that is expensive, that these things make them the best game in town. But when one researches articles comparing iphones with rival smartphones, one learns that iphone isn't the best although their big budget marketing campaigns and fans of their products would have you believe otherwise

The phenomenon is not exclusive to Apple. It's called advertising a premium, and it's what Apple has done since the late 1990s to get back into the game. I haven't heard a single person who is computer literate say the iPhone is better than X or Y phone, but it's been common knowledge this whole time that Apple is trying to push a proprietary and quite frankly expensive platform, while Android pushes an open and free platform.