iPhone v Android v BlackBerry



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I don't have any of these and I look at them all as illustrations of a very cruel artist who is sexist, ageist, and has a fascination of dinosaurs that probably goes back to his childhood when he and his uncle would play hide the brontosaurus neck in the tar pit.


Did I read too much into this? :o

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have an iPhone 4. The artist made my boobs too small. I'm also much more voluptuous and sensual. Other than that though, that's how I fancy myself...


My Penis Is Dancing!
All true, I have an Android and I do see myself as the modern day Mark Twain.

Geez, boy, are you simple or something? That was clearly Walter Matthau in his most famous role: Al Dahlke in Slaughter on Tenth Avenue!
I do.

I'm giving away my 5800 XM and getting an iPhone.

why? 'cause the tons of apps and the display.

The apps are over-rated and you can get them on any other device anyway. As for the "revolutionary" retina display, it's all just false marketing. More pixels than the human eye can differentiate is nonsense. What would be the point? Just to pretend you're better than the conpetition? That's right. A more accurate retina display would be closer to 477 pixels per square inch at 12 inches instead of the 326 Steve Jobs claims. More bs marketing from Apple, what else is new? It's too bad. iPhones have the best interface and straight up use-ability of any phone on the market. Why they hide behind false marketing and hold back on the tech is beyond me. The iPhone 4 was already behind the industry standard when it was released.

Anyway, As far as I can tell, the Super AMOLED screens are superiour in viewing angle and sunlight viewing, after that it's all equal.

I have an iPhone 3GS, but until Apple adopts Flash, better cameras, transferable storage, real blue tooth tech, and total customization, I'll never own another iPhone again.
lol that picture says it better than words could. Still I am a big fan of the iPhone, the 4g has a screen resolution so high that is litterally like having 3 blackberry screens in one. The iPhone is very user friendly, its the kind of phone who's features you can access without even looking at the phone.

Plus the iPhone is durrable as a tank compared to other phones. My friend's android phone fell just 4 feet and cracked, my iPhone has fallen from the roof of a car and taken countless smaller drops virtually undamaged.