Involuntary ejaculation

Or more commonly known as premature ejaculation. Anyone have any real life experiences while having sex? Masturbating? Handjob? Blowjob? I remember a couple months back I was watching this girl on her webcam and she had her pussy close up and masturbating. I stopped masturbating after awhile because I didn't want to explode too soon. My penis started throbbing and ended up exploding like a volcano without touching myself. I like having premature ejaculations. They are awesome and they feel better than a regular ejaculation. The woman will probably be disappointed but screw that. It's all about you! Haha


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
What the fuck was last night all about? What – ” You know. And she said, “N – no!” And we had this conversation and the words ejaculation came into the conversation, and the world ‘premature’ as well. And I came back with, “No, ejaculation – mature, mature ejacula – *Not* premature, post-mature, veteran ejaculation! Wise, learned man ejaculation. Mature man who does the washing up-typeÖ” But she said, “No!” She vetoed it! She was China in the United Nations Security Council. Uh, in th – the United Nations Security Council Of My Virginity. And, uhÖ So it just didn’t work! It was – fucked me off, I tell you.

~Eddie Izzard, Dressed to Kill

There are those who are quite fond of HFO. The videos arent that bad, either. (Show the world your talent, bob!)
Lucky bastards eventually get so good at it, they dont even need to start rubbing. THey just build up for an hour or so, and bust super hard without the physical stuff.
Yeah yoyo, I feel ya. There is something so much better about those unexpected ones. Like it was just hot to contain, and that should be celebrated.
or, in an oft-worded debate with my ex wife..(who for whatever reason was always whining about her LAST cum not arriving, and not paying attention to the 10-20 she had before that)
I came go get mine and give you yours, and you already came a million times. I'm getting mine in this overheated hole and you cant stop me with your whining about timing!
*puts on my Gandalf the grey hat and does the voice* A wizard cums precisely when he means to.