I don't see what the problem is, really. That's what happens when the rest of the world expects you to wipe it's ass for it (policing isn't free, you know.) And considering we (America) spend MORE than any other country in the Western world on public education, I also don't see how people in America have the audacity to lobby for more funding.
If that's true, then maybe the U.S. should stop doing what's expected of it, and instead do what is good and right for the people of THIS nation (for a change).
I believe you're actually right though, that the U.S. spends more per pupil than any other developed country... other than Switzerland (I believe). But our math and science test scores are at or near the bottom of the top spending nations. So no, just increasing total dollars spent doesn't equal success. And I would say the same thing about military spending.
IMO, the U.S. needs a comprehensive manufacturing policy, a comprehensive education policy and a comprehensive military policy. Including the military, all of these areas are in need of review... and
none of them improve just by tossing $ at them.
BTW, does it strike anyone else that the U.S. seems to be following in the foot steps of the Soviet Union? Spending money that we don't have to prop up third rate governments and countries, all while pretending that if we don't do that, then the whole world will just fall apart. I forget now... how did that story end for the Soviets? :dunno: