Are they any good? Why are they so slow? I'm thinking about getting a new computer, instead of a laptop, I'm going to get a desktop again. My old desktop wireless card thing was fried, I think, or something. I left my desktop on overnight, went somewhere, and then, when I came back home, I noticed that my desktop was off (which was a surprise to me). I turned my desktop back on and I tried to connect to the Internet, then the webpage said: "Unable to connect to the Internet"! I called my isp, and they told me some suggestions to try to get the internet back on, no luck. I later found out that the apartment complex had an power outage, which caused my old desktop to not get internet working. I got a new laptop (Not the one I'm currently using w/celeron processor), then the battery on that laptop died in a number of months n two years. So, now I'm using a laptop that a friend gave me that has the celeron proceesor. What do you guys think is the best or good brand for a desktop? I'm thinking of HP or Dell. I'm looking online at Best Buy right now.
Here's what I'm looking for in my desktop: Intel Core i3, i5, or i7. 1TB of Hard Drive space, 4GB, 6GB, or 8GB of RAM.
Oh, by the way, I'm not computer smart, so please speak English and not in geek. For those of you wondering, no, I was not looking at porn.
One more thing, if I buy a new tower, can I still use my old monitor from my old Dell desktop (the desktop that has no internet)? Do the brand names have to match for my old monitor to be compatible with the new tower or is it the connector that matters for my monitor to be compatible with the tower? Like say, I get a Dell, since I have a Dell monitor or an HP tower and use my old Dell monitor on the new HP tower? Thanks!
Here's what I'm looking for in my desktop: Intel Core i3, i5, or i7. 1TB of Hard Drive space, 4GB, 6GB, or 8GB of RAM.
Oh, by the way, I'm not computer smart, so please speak English and not in geek. For those of you wondering, no, I was not looking at porn.
One more thing, if I buy a new tower, can I still use my old monitor from my old Dell desktop (the desktop that has no internet)? Do the brand names have to match for my old monitor to be compatible with the new tower or is it the connector that matters for my monitor to be compatible with the tower? Like say, I get a Dell, since I have a Dell monitor or an HP tower and use my old Dell monitor on the new HP tower? Thanks!