Innocent or even Plain looking girls

If some one has the time, can they post any hardcore videos of girls that don't look like a typical glamed up pornstar, and look more like your average girl; maybe a redheaded or brunette teen?

I'm thinking more of a beautiful girl that is "average" looking or "innocent" or "plain" or has that sort of girl next door appeal to her.

I guess actresses that would fit the lines I'm looking for are Alicia Witt, Jessica Biel, Sabine Ehrenfeld, Piper Perabo, Rebecca Hall, Eva Green, Camile Belle; and porn stars would be Sascha Knox, Kelsey Michaels, Sasha Grey.

I sometimes have a hard time coming across this type; pro and amateur or whatever you can find. Thanks!

These are sort of what I'm talking about (girls that look more like this):,4236,0.html
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I know exactly what ya mean about finding girls that dont have all that make up but are still hot. Planet Katie is one that i like alot. And you will probably like this pic of dan pat, if you havent seen it already.

Good Luck:)


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