This is rather terrifying. And I don't mean the youtube clip. I mean some of the reactions in this thread.
What happened there on stage had nothing to do with the state and nothing to do with lead pipes either.
Of course it is "screwed up" from the point of view of anyone with a decent (western society) set of morals. But it's South Korea. Their society is in many respects as capitalist and shallow as for example the American society. It just shows differently. Whereas in the States she (as an epileptic who just had a seizure in front of millions of viewers) would probably have been a laughing stock and the subject of ridicule because that's what challenged or sick persons often are in the US. In South Korea on the contrary challenged or sick persons are mostly ignored because the pose a matter of shame and unwanted responsibility. Shame has in these societies (for example the Japanese society in many aspects as well) a different cultural meaning than for example in the United States.
So, the moral mindset in South Korea may be different but others are no better. Before judging, you should know the background and the causes.
Methinks it was a female with epilepsy in the video. no?You know, if you have a big epileptic fit like that guy has, it is possible that he swalllows his tongue and dies or busts his head in convulsion.