In case you think, just because it's "National Socialism", Nazism was Left-Wing...

"Duh, nazis were leftists because nazi means national socialism..."

Then I guess the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is 1) A Republic and 2) Democracy, right ?
In case you don't know, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is North Korea's official name...

Same with other countries, such as the former East Germany : the countrie's official was Democratic Republic of Germany, yet it was neither a republic nor a democracy...

Does the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover" rings any bell to you ?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yeah but isn't that all we do to each other inside this Message Board Store Of Pornography. Who here is shy about categorizing people?
I don't know what the original rant was all about, but what difference does it make, they were both assholes, and while we eradicated one, the other should be. You can have all the Democracy you want, but that isn't the same as freedom. Honestly, I don't think a lot of these countries want freedom. They plug away happily thinking life is a wonderful thing, but it isn't. If they wanted it, they would find away to fight for it.