In 2050 your lover may be a robot


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MAASTRICHT, Netherlands (AFP) - Romantic human-robot relationships are no longer the stuff of science fiction -- researchers expect them to become reality within four decades.

And they do not mean simply, mechanical sex.

"I am talking about loving relationships about 40 years from now," David Levy, author of the book "Love + sex with robots", told AFP at an international conference held last week at the University of Maastricht in the south-east of the country.

"... when there are robots that have also emotions, personality, consciousness. They can talk to you, they can make you laugh. They can ... say they love you just like a human would say 'I love you', and say it as though they mean it.;_ylt=AqoPayoFmenZ.sMo92qnjvYPLBIF

have you seen those japanese sex humanoids. theyre awesome. if they look
like those i don't give a fuck. but, in 40 years i hope i wont be thinking about
doing it with a robot. how realistic are those sugarwalls gonna be anyways?


what the fuck you lookin at?
sweet! Sign me up!
In 2050 your lover may be a robot

Yup, I've had GFs like that before..
Why does it have to be 40 years from now? Why can't it be today?

The day sex androids come out is the day I cease human contact.
Adaptive expert systems ...

Adaptive expert systems can be quite analytical, to the point that it would satisfy many people given several additional decades of research. I don't know if they will ever be fully mobile until we solve the power usage and battery capacity issues, but the computing power is definitely there to handle image and voice recognition and corresponding response.

It will only improve in the coming decades.
Once upon a time I had a porn mag that had a pictorial about this. It was a spin off of RoboCop called RoboCock. I'll let you figure that one out. :D
robots that have also emotions, personality, consciousness.

so if I don't want those things and just meaningless sex, I can always just stick to dating strippers.


Postal Paranoiac
So instead of saying "I have a headache," she could say, "Does not compute." :o