parry316 Feb 9, 2010 #1 :thumbsup: Attachments 633515408813814239-epic-fail---trainwreck.jpg 81.4 KB · Views: 211
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Feb 9, 2010 #3 You were supposed to TURN LEFT at Albuquerque
lioneye713 Feb 9, 2010 #5 And he huffed and puffed, and fucked shit up! I dare anyone to get that reference
dadolfo Feb 9, 2010 #7 He was probably preoccupied with something important, like updating his twitter.
L lurkingdirk Feb 10, 2010 #9 That's actually a real picture. Screwed up, right? Turns out the train was going about 4 times the speed it was supposed to be going. Inertia+a very heavy train=amazing wrecks.
That's actually a real picture. Screwed up, right? Turns out the train was going about 4 times the speed it was supposed to be going. Inertia+a very heavy train=amazing wrecks.
PlasmaTwa2 The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement Feb 10, 2010 #11 Picture it crashing in slow motion to the song "How to Save a Life".
PirateKing █▀█▀█ █ █ Feb 10, 2010 #13 What jackass is responsible for this? Just terrific, how am i gonna find my car under all that? thats the last time i park there. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to operate trains.
What jackass is responsible for this? Just terrific, how am i gonna find my car under all that? thats the last time i park there. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to operate trains.