Not buying it.
In fact I didn't buy it two years ago -
and I am still not buying it now.
Judging by the lack of replies (So many empty threads you started) and the simple fact no one believes you, you are beating an old drum far to hard.
My personal favourite actually, your one single blog entry -
"I am going to have sex with my boyfriend in about 10 minutes. He has vowed to make me squirt atleast 5 times and I am ready. Squirting is my absolute amazing thing. I am going to go get ready to squirt and suck a huge dick. Bye guys, I'll be back in a while."
1 hour 18 minutes later
"I just finished an hour sex session and it was amazing. My boyfriend brought me a surprise, which was another man. I wasn't expecting this but I loved it. At the end they cummed all over my face and I loved it. I love my boyfriend for this present "
Bull. Shit.