If you talk long enough...

Kelly Steele

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
All things can be worked out. No matter how heated the dialog can become.
Any good tabou topics that can be discussed?
Well I'm not sure about taboo topics, as there are certain discussions that aren't allowed to take place here.

Those that probably get the most heated around here are the political ones. But there are a lot of those already.

You could make a topic about why communism is great, why Castro should take over after Bush, why porn is wrong, and why women and minorities shouldn't be allowed to vote. That might take a bit of effort to work out. ;) :D

Kelly Steele

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Well I'm not sure about taboo topics, as there are certain discussions that aren't allowed to take place here.

Those that probably get the most heated around here are the political ones. But there are a lot of those already.

You could make a topic about why communism is great, why Castro should take over after Bush, why porn is wrong, and why women and minorities shouldn't be allowed to vote. That might take a bit of effort to work out. ;) :D

Well I don't really have an personal opinon about Bush. (unless it's shaving techniques)

Communism.. Don't care

Censorship is a big one with me. I get downright nutty about that.
Well, you could make a topic about censorship. Though I'd advise to do it about censorship as a whole in media and societies, rather than focús on the censorship on websites.
Well, you could always start a topic about :

Public nudity (should it be allowed or not?)

Certain minorities being allowed to ... (fill in something here) (there's already a thread about gay marriages, but I'm pretty sure there are other decent topics you could start with different minorities and/or different rights)

What you had for dinner last night (nobody would care if I posted such a topic, but you're an OCSM now & that changes everything... no matter what you post, you'll get people who agree/disagree with you)

You could start a thread about censorship... Although I doubt that's going to be much of a discussion, as I have a feeling everyone will agree with you...

The pros and cons of certain shaving techniques or other ways to get rid of hair.

Anything you like, as long as it isn't discriminating, involves incest or rape.

Kelly Steele

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member

Now you see we have a topic about censorship now.

So let me try something here. I apologize if I go off in strange directions before making my point.

I've performed under 6, almost 7, different stage names. (Used 1 only a couple of times so it doesn't count.)

I've worked in Canada, USA, France, England(never again), Japan and Bahrain. All practiced some form of censorship. The difference was jus a question of how honest they were about it.

Canada appeared to be the most sane about it and the United States was most liberal. (Americans are vocal about their rights. -Very rare!)

On the other hand, I find the UK to be the worst! They claim to be have freedom of speech/expression but my opinion is that it only exists if you don't say anything offensive and always get along with everyone.
((**My gift to the UK Visit: http:TheUKhardcore.com for a NON-censored place**))

The biggest difference between all the countries was the level of "Honesty" about it. Bahrain should have been the worst country but in hindsight, I did more perverted things in front of people than any other country. And was paid very well for it!

Now that leads me to my point....(If I really had one to begin with)

I think the greatest attack on freedom of speech isn't a goverment or oppresive rules. It's hypocrasy!

For example my dealings in the porn industry...

Everyday I deal with people that say and do all kinds of FuCkEd-Up things. I have my opinions and I'm an adult. I'm not sitting there being forced to listen to or do those things. So why is it if I'm doing something controversial or vulgar I get slapped by the people that claim to support my industry?

I recently made a video for a foriegn market of a dirty diaper smothering. (Not my cup of tea) I'm not ashamed of what I produced and I'm not going to hide the fact I created the film. However, I find that I'm completely censored or even receive hostile reaction from other pornographers and especially obsessed Fanboys!

If you support the porn industry I think you need to practice what you preach.(sp?) People can't support me as long as I make the "porn" they like to see and then attack me if I make stuff they don't like.

This behaviour takes down a pornographer faster than any goverment rule. I'm able to pixilate vaginal shots and penetration for the Japaneese. But when people bad mouth my product, that kills me financially.

IE: It stops talent from seeking work from me, makes me work harder for better prices on distribution and even hurts sales. (The Fanboys read every thing on the net and gossip like bastards. It's worst than having a really bad review on sales.)

So any comments?
Your real beef seems to be financially motivated.
Here is a suggestion, why don't you work out what is best for your business ie is it making lots of different films for different tastes for the money and risk the the chance of losing your fan base and reputation or would it be better long term to give your fan base and professional reputation what they want??
I don't know what the right answer is as I'm not in the business and if i was a fan of yours it wouldn't bother me what films or sexual taste you cater for.

On the opening topic or your post.
censorship isn't a question of what we're allowed to do or say or see, its about looking after the nations morales, protecting the young from inappropriate messages and material, and sending out the correct message.
That is a must in any nations wellbeing, whether we personally in private hunt out censored stuff on the Internet or not thats our choice but what is important is is that the government (nation) has not openly permitted it and said its OK.
Sure its hypocritical on a personal level and its hard to understand but its like cursing as a child and your parents telling you that you mustn't and its wrong then themselves swearing like troopers down the pub. Its a matter of standards that we should try to achieve whether we do or not is up to us.

BTW in Britain we can buy hardcore DVDs, mags above the counter in any half decent sex shop, the only area we have censorship these days is on TV and the mass media.:2 cents: :thumbsup:

Now you see we have a topic about censorship now.

Now that leads me to my point....(If I really had one to begin with)

Very aptly said, Kelly. :thumbsup:

I think the greatest attack on freedom of speech isn't a goverment or oppresive rules. It's hypocrasy!

So any comments?

Freedom comes with lots of responsibilities. It may vary from country to country, even town to town, so to say. If we are responsible, not only about ourselves, but also about the community that we stay with, hypocracy can't reach the point that it has reached now. Its also because we are not honest with us.

May I ask you, if you please permit, does the thing, that you do, gives the community anything in return, that you enjoy out of the community? If your answer is yes, I think you have enough freedom to deal with.

warm regards from a friend, on the first introduction.

Kelly Steele

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Your real beef seems to be financially motivated.

Well you don't do porn unless it's for the money. But rest assured, it is more than that with me.

Here is a suggestion, why don't you work out what is best for your business ie is it making lots of different films for different tastes for the money and risk the the chance of losing your fan base and reputation or would it be better long term to give your fan base and professional reputation what they want??

You're not going to like hearing this. But the porn fan really doesn't have a major impact on how much we earn. The porn industry is soooo political that it's the guys that are IN THE INDUSTRY that determine how much I earn.

In short, if someone talks shit about me. I run the risk of having a pissed of distributor or something that will impact on my abillity to either make the product or get it on store shelves.

For the most part even really bad reviews don't tend to make a difference in a video's sales.

BTW in Britain we can buy hardcore DVDs, mags above the counter in any half decent sex shop, the only area we have censorship these days is on TV and the mass media.:2 cents: :thumbsup:

I've gone 1 round with the BBFC and I won't do it again.
A video I produced that was really vanilla by most standards was cut to hell.

I had almost 24minutes cut from it.

The reason....
I featured various sex acts that were considered offensive to most britians.
"I put a Tony Blair mask on one guy and him pick up a the queen at a tube station then do her back at the flat.
(NO Anal! No pissing! Nothing major at all)


Retired Moderator
Kelly in order to appeal to a larger portion of the board I moved your interesting thread to the "Talk Section",

I'm sure you don't mind :thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
You could make a topic about why porn is wrong
yea that would take some discussion, as this is a porn board after all, either that or it would be mostly ignored

Kelly Steele

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Kelly in order to appeal to a larger portion of the board I moved your interesting thread to the "Talk Section",

I'm sure you don't mind :thumbsup:

I don't mind at all.
May I ask you, if you please permit, does the thing, that you do, gives the community anything in return, that you enjoy out of the community? If your answer is yes, I think you have enough freedom to deal with.

warm regards from a friend, on the first introduction.

Yes the very thing I'm talking about...
The freedom of speach/expression.

This right is very easy to have if no one ever says anything wrong or offensive.

But the unfortunate thing is that when NO ONE says anything bad...
The definition of what is offensive gets smaller and smaller. To the point where in some places of the world you're scared to open you mouth and say anything.

Like or not..
Without some mouthy bitch, like me, offending people and keeping the boundry pushed back at an acceptable level. Sooner or later everyone would be dealing with a fascist society. Not unlke that depicted in George Orwell's book, "1984."

So perhaps in hindsight the community gets more from me than I get from it in return.


Retired Mod
The problem with controversial topics on a board like this is that many of the people that tend to argue about the topics have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. They tend to see their way as being the only right way and their answers as absolute fact. So opposing views are automatically wrong and when those opposing views occur, which they obviously will, instead of debating the subject, they resort to personal attacks. Then threads start getting out-of-hand with attacks and responses to those attacks, members get banned and the threads get locked. It happens time after time after time.
I've worked in Canada, USA, France, England(never again), Japan and Bahrain. All practiced some form of censorship. The difference was jus a question of how honest they were about it.

Canada appeared to be the most sane about it and the United States was most liberal. (Americans are vocal about their rights. -Very rare!)

On the other hand, I find the UK to be the worst! They claim to be have freedom of speech/expression but my opinion is that it only exists if you don't say anything offensive and always get along with everyone.
The majority of people I work with are immigrants, and most have stated very similarly.
Kinda sad that both Americans as well as non-Americans who have never been to the US think otherwise.
For example my dealings in the porn industry...

Everyday I deal with people that say and do all kinds of FuCkEd-Up things. I have my opinions and I'm an adult. I'm not sitting there being forced to listen to or do those things. So why is it if I'm doing something controversial or vulgar I get slapped by the people that claim to support my industry?

I recently made a video for a foriegn market of a dirty diaper smothering. (Not my cup of tea) I'm not ashamed of what I produced and I'm not going to hide the fact I created the film. However, I find that I'm completely censored or even receive hostile reaction from other pornographers and especially obsessed Fanboys!

If you support the porn industry I think you need to practice what you preach.(sp?) People can't support me as long as I make the "porn" they like to see and then attack me if I make stuff they don't like.

This behaviour takes down a pornographer faster than any goverment rule. I'm able to pixilate vaginal shots and penetration for the Japaneese. But when people bad mouth my product, that kills me financially.

IE: It stops talent from seeking work from me, makes me work harder for better prices on distribution and even hurts sales. (The Fanboys read every thing on the net and gossip like bastards. It's worst than having a really bad review on sales.)

So any comments?

I think it's because fan(boy/girl)s have a certain expectation of you, which in turn feeds their fantasies about you. If you do something that does not fit in their expectations, their fantasies are crushed & the fan(boy/girl)s become pissed off.

I think that if someone like Lacey Duvalle or Jayna Oso would do a scatology scene, it would piss off a lot of their fans. They may not be into it in their private lives (heck, Jayna Oso might not even be into anal sex in her private life), but fans hardly ever see that they're doing it because it pays the bills and that the pleasure they receive/give is preferable, but not nessecary (depending on how much they need the money. If they don't need the money, I have a feeling they'd refuse to do it if they didn't enjoy it, but I'd refuse to do certain jobs as well if I didn't need the money...).


what the fuck you lookin at?
The problem with controversial topics on a board like this is that many of the people that tend to argue about the topics have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. They tend to see their way as being the only right way and their answers as absolute fact. So opposing views are automatically wrong and when those opposing views occur, which they obviously will, instead of debating the subject, they resort to personal attacks. Then threads start getting out-of-hand with attacks and responses to those attacks, members get banned and the threads get locked. It happens time after time after time.

this is true, so please start a thread on something contraversial and let's all sit back and enjoy the show! :nanner:
Freedom of art and expression should never be limited on "taste" ...

Sometimes the greatest art and expression is not what you agree with, what you want to do or even care for, but merely to reassert the boundaries of what is expression is at its very foundation. Especially in the area of "taste."

"Taste" should never be a factor or limitation in freedom of expression. People will always differ on it. It's at the heart of the foundation fo the United States, most publicly reaffirmed in the case Hustler v. Falwell.

I didn't read the first part of your message and missed your commentary on your film. I salute you for ensuring our freedoms will continue to be well protected, even if I have no interest in buying the film.

If people ever start restricting freedom based on "taste," then we might as well start burning books while we are at it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Luckily we dont need paper to immortalize controversial subjects or stories. We have a digital library caitering to every last need.

Burning books is just a symbolic farce by a mob that.. by willingly forming into a group and doing something so childish as burning books. Or gathering in front of a movie theatre. Or abortion clinic. Has already rendered most of its points null and void in that argument. Repression is a potent force of corruption and progress. lol Make something forbidden and you increase interest in it.

Admittedly there are plenty of things people can prohibit you from doing, but the alternatives are plentiful:The liberals arent winning in such a black-and-white sense! As history keeps showing.. it isnt about the old values versus new values.. its about progress, opinions, and the backlash from all sides involved.
Burning books is just a symbolic farce by a mob that.. by willingly forming into a group and doing something so childish as burning books.
It's symbolism is the corruption of youth. Ban school. Punish parents. Do anything someone wants to raise favor. It's been used over and over before. It will be used again and again in the future.

In fact, what I see out of most politicians these days is the dedication to raising favor with their constituents. Not in the righteous goals of the state, but in the means of what they can do for them. Such is a dangerous approach to leadership, and the death of both the Greeks and then the Romans.

It's not what needs to be addressed. It's not about solutions. It's about arguing the rhetoric against the rhetoric. The original issue is forgotten. People focus on small little details, including things like "taste." Totally losing the original right.

In fact, I don't she how one person can argue that some rights are important and others are not. But that's exactly what we are getting in society. And that's where we lose all rights. Because once you degrade, demonize and argue the abusive of one right under "taste," you argue similar of any other right.