If you had 72 Pornstars??


Closed Account
If you had 72 Pornstars, who would you choose? And how would you organise your week?
I'd fly them all to Africa and set the free to roam across the plains as it is meant to be.

Then in about a week, I'd come back with a few well paying, well armed customers to hunt each and everyone of them down. It doesn't particularly matter which 72 there are, I mean if someone specifically chooses a particular porn star they'd like to hunt and that they're willing to pay extra then that's fine by me - but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Now, all I have to think of is a name for this little enterprise of mine; "BlueBalls' Most Dangerous Game" has a nice ring to it.
If you had 72 Pornstars, who would you choose? And how would you organise your week?

on, what 72 pornstars would you choose, and how would you organize your week?
that's a tough one! can I ask why 72?

on, did you just make this thread to be an asshole and see if anybody actually took the time to post 72 pornstars of their choosing? Cause if thats what you did, I salute you.


Closed Account
on, did you just make this thread to be an asshole and see if anybody actually took the time to post 72 pornstars of their choosing? Cause if thats what you did, I salute you.

I would prefer cunt but asshole will do,

also I would challenge anyone to draw up a list of 72 pornstars that they genuinely conclude to be a definative 72.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Organize my week??? Dude (or cunt or whatever you wish to be called), at my age, it would take me at least 6 months to handle this monumental task....assuming I could even survive the first few weeks that is. :rolleyes:
I'd prefer to lure the porn stars with promises of candy, funny stories and GEDs. Only to trick them into cryogenics where the 72 and myself will be cryogenically frozen and buried deep inside the earth in a indestructible vault where we will be watched over by the reptilian overlords. When we are released mankind will be eradicated and the death of the reptilian overlords, in their drying last ways, will have released myself and the 72 porn stars where I will be the only last male with 72 porn stars!!! :nanner:

Only to realize the centuries of being frozen has made us so cold we are basically asexual. I will cry out: IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! GOD NOOOOO... IT'S NOT FAIR... :(

Then we will all hear those doomed words:

You have entered...

The Twatlight Zone!


Closed Account
Organize my week??? Dude (or cunt or whatever you wish to be called), at my age, it would take me at least 6 months to handle this monumental task....assuming I could even survive the first few weeks that is. :rolleyes:

Dude, that's the beauty, You can choose two, three, or more, based on buisness acumen to do the admin!??
Sir Winston Churchill
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Diana, Princess of Wales
Charles Darwin
William Shakespeare
Sir Isaac Newton
Elizabeth I of England
John Lennon
Horatio Nelson
Oliver Cromwell
Greatest Britons
Ernest Shackleton
Captain James Cook
Robert Baden-Powell
King Alfred the Great
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Margaret Thatcher (Baroness Thatcher)
Michael Crawford
Queen Victoria
Sir Paul McCartney
Sir Alexander Fleming
Alan Turing
Michael Faraday
Owain Glyndwr
Queen Elizabeth II
Professor Stephen Hawking
William Tyndale
Emmeline Pankhurst
William Wilberforce
David Bowie
Guy Fawkes
Leonard Cheshire
Eric Morecambe
David Beckham
Thomas Paine
Sir Steve Redgrave
Sir Thomas More
William Blake
John Harrison
King Henry VIII
Charles Dickens
Sir Frank Whittle
John Peel
John Logie Baird
Aneurin Bevan
Boy George
Sir Douglas Bader
William Wallace
Sir Francis Drake
John Wesley
King Arthur
Florence Nightingale
T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Sir Robert Falcon Scott
Enoch Powell
Sir Cliff Richard
Sir Alexander Graham Bell
Freddie Mercury
Dame Julie Andrews
Edward Elgar
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
George Harrison
Sir David Attenborough
James Connolly
George Stephenson
Sir Charles Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin)
Tony Blair
William Caxton
Bobby Moore
Jane Austen
William Booth
King Henry V


Die For Me
I'd get them to build me a house, only to find that all their measurements were 2-3 inches longer than they should be.
I don't understand.

Why 72?

What significance is that number supposed to have?

How does it figure into how ones plans his week?

I promise, I'm not just having a go.

I'm just trying to understand.


Closed Account
I don't understand.

Why 72?

What significance is that number supposed to have?

How does it figure into how ones plans his week?

I promise, I'm not just having a go.

I'm just trying to understand.

I don't know why, just an amount like 50 or 100, by it's 72 instead? I don't know?.. Anyway, even if you're not having a go, please feel free to do so if you find yourself wanting to. p.s. cunt is preferable to asshole (if you do), just a little heads up!
72 ? What a strange number.
I think I'm gonna give up 3 of them and have 69 babes, just for the symbol...