If You Had 10 Grand to Buy a Car (or Cars)

Since many of us are just regular folks, I was wondering what the board's taste in cars is. If someone tossed you 10 stacks for a car (or several cars), what would be your selection? Personally there are a bunch of cars that are incredibly bad even at that price, but for various purposes these are several I would consider:

For non-practical purposes, the late 90s Pontiac Trans Am Firebirds are incredibly sick, and I am confident that if I searched long enough I could find one with low miles at around 10K. Having owned a Pontiac at one point, I can say they are wicked cars:


When I was a kid, I always dreamed of owning an Allante, but I've since begun to see them too boxy, even though I would still consider one since their price is so reasonable and because they are so uncommon. I would like a pearl white one identical to this for everyday purposes:


And if I wanted to go for muscle, I would probably go back to Pontiac Firebird and a late 60s model:



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the cheapest car on the market is a hyundai accent

i dont think even 10 thousand dollars will cover the basic model if you are going the new car rout

if you want a used car, i am sure you can get a decent reliable one for way less than 10 thousand dollars
the cheapest car on the market is a hyundai accent

i dont think even 10 thousand dollars will cover the basic model if you are going the new car rout

if you want a used car, i am sure you can get a decent reliable one for way less than 10 thousand dollars

I purchased my car for $2,500 @ 85K and it is flawless. Totally got lucky when I bought my car, because in five years the only thing I've had to replace was the starter, which was a bitch but I got it in there. I have to replace the fuel pressure regulator this weekend, but other than those issues it is mint.

As far as what I would choose from my OP, the Allante is too sick, but I would have to have another whip for the winter if I bought that thing because I would never let it touch a flake of snow or a speck of sand, so I'd only be able to drive it a few months out of the year.
$10 grand to get a car?!? :rofl2: A cheap used rental car costs $15 grand; just yesterday I asked my friend who works at Enterprise how much they sell used rentals for.


i'd probably get a 3 year old civic or corolla, maybe a mitsubishi lancer.
if reliable transportation weren't high on my list, then i'd go for a porsche 928, but with 10k that would have to be a model from the mid-2ighties.
If I were to spend $10k or less on a used vehicle, I would probably have to go with an early-mid 2000's Cadillac DeVille, early 2000's Infinity, or a late 90's-early 2000's BMW. All of which I think could be easily found for that price. And if you were to go with a private seller, you could probably end up spending well below the allotted $10k.
I'd get a foxbody mustang. Probably a mint 86 T top. Would probably have money to spare and I could buy go fast parts for it.


Postal Paranoiac
$10,000 is a lot of money...for me to poop on!
BMW 3series or VW Jetta.

You could buy a sweet 911 for $12k....

I'd also look at Jeep Wranglers or Ford Mustangs...but buyer beware with both of these...
$10,000 is a lot of money...for me to poop on!

Yeah, I know USPS pays their workers so much that you laugh at the thought of 10K ...:facepalm:

$10 grand to get a car?!? :rofl2: A cheap used rental car costs $15 grand; just yesterday I asked my friend who works at Enterprise how much they sell used rentals for.

Anyone who buys a used rental car is fucked in the head. If only you knew what I did to the rentals my dad got over the years, not to mention every other guy with a pair between their legs, you would think twice. Me and the boys once stole my dads brand new Grand Am rental when he went to sleep one Friday and we beat that thing so hard it's a wonder it didn't break down on us. The governer kicked in on 94 I maxed that bitch out at 105.

If I were to spend $10k or less on a used vehicle, I would probably have to go with an early-mid 2000's Cadillac DeVille, early 2000's Infinity, or a late 90's-early 2000's BMW. All of which I think could be easily found for that price. And if you were to go with a private seller, you could probably end up spending well below the allotted $10k.

Exactly my thoughts. the 92-'02 Eldorado body 'Lac's have always been sick, and you can find one of those with low miles and in mint condition. Would be a perfect everyday car. And I remember how sick the Sevilles and Devilles were (mid-90s body) when they first came out. They were just bananas.

Not to derail this thread, but this clip has to be the funniest Triumph clip ever. Making fun of Star Wars fans out front of the NYC premiere of Attack of the Clones.

3:39 "So, what's going on here? You've got a little future nerd in here?... When is he due?... Wow, that's the last time he'll ever see female genitalia!"

7:00 Talking to Darth Vader. "Which of these (laughs)... which of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?"

(I would have embedded it, but YT has disabled it :crying:)