If you could suck your own penis would you?

Personally if I was able to stretch like that I know for a fact that I would never do anything of the nature. I will never have a penis in my mouth regardless if its my own.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Personally if I was able to stretch like that I know for a fact that I would never do anything of the nature. I will never have a penis in my mouth regardless if its my own.

What's more gay, being so afraid of having your own cock in your mouth.. or making a topic about sucking your own dick THEN SAYING YOU WONT! Alright, youre a man's man. Rock on. Or.. not.

:rolls eyes:

Uh ... yeah!? I'm a guy. Throw in a pair of tits and I'd never leave the house!

Well the pair of tits is fine and all, but I dont want the nerves to be attached. That way I can feel them physically.. but not feel them physically. Get my meaning? ;) Like those guys that sit on their hand until it's numb to give themselves *The Stranger* wank method.


MmmmmmI.... mmmmmmon't.... mmmmo...... mmmmmit .....mmmmmmight.... mmmmmmme.......mammmmmictive......
Has someone been watching Clerks?

You can break your neck going down on yourself apparently.
I wouldn't do it now, but maybe 12-15 years ago I sure would.
Once when I was in the hospital I caught my roommate doing it. I turned over and went to sleep. :dunno:
I saw an interview with Ron Jeremy once and he said that not only did he used to be able to do it, but he actually did it in a movie twice. This was of course in his younger days when he actually was in pretty good shape.
I had a mate at high school who used to do it as a party trick, hung like a donkey though nothing to do with being flexible.
"Ouch, it won't reach my mouth
If I could do it myself I'd probably never leave the house,
But I can't, so here's where you come in..."

(c) "Yummy down on this", Bloodhoundgang
..So my Chiropracter says 'tunsty, the reason you have a hunched back, is because you keep sucking your dick'

I need a second opinion...and this looks like the place to start.:thumbsup:


Closed Account
Don't lie, each and every one of you would if you could. I'll bet no less than 99% has at least tried at sometime in their life. lol

Just think if you each were Pinocchio's you could make up for the lies and not being able to with better talents. ;)


Don't lie, each and every one of you would if you could. I'll bet no less than 99% has at least tried at sometime in their life. lol

Just think if you each were Pinocchio's you could make up for the lies and not being able to with better talents. ;)


That's why men develop 'Beer-Bellies'..it prevents us from trying and possibly injuring ourselves.