If You Could Have Sex With Any Porn Star, Which National Monument Would You Do It In?


Postal Paranoiac
Sex. Porn stars. National monuments. Three things everybody thinks about. We all have our favorites. So...what about YOU? Wherein would you like to sling your bologna alongside the porn patriot of your choice? Anal in Aniakchak with-----? A blowjob in Browns Canyon from------? It's your choice!



FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Cumming on her face in front of giant penny Lincoln seems like such an expression of freedom.


Postal Paranoiac
We'll all never really be free until national monument porn persecution ends.
The Eiffel Tower, off course. Don't tell me ypu do not see the phallic symbol of it. It is, obviously, a giant dick !
