If you could have one superpower...

Well go choose another thread. This deals with the other side! What would be your weakness? Unlike most superheroes, though, you get a choice! What would be your weakness that a villain could use against you? I know this could potentially be easy but I want answers that are somewhat realistic. Realistically, my friends/family would be my weakness... then a mythical rock from a distant planet :surprise:
Fear of heights


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I'd like to be able to do real magic. Like Doctor Strange.

Picking a favorite weakness is hard. I'd pick having to meditate in my secret hideaway for an hour in every 24 hours.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Well, I only know Epilepsy. It is overrated. What many people do not know: there is not only the 'Grand Mal', in which you appear to try to re-play that famous scene from #The Exorcist'.

Another form, I learned from a friend who worls with handicapped people at Opel:

A female worker suddenly stopped working on the machine she handled, went to the bureau of the supervisor, locked him in and went back to the machine. Of course, the company instantly laid her off - until she could provide an attest from a specialist, who told them she just had a specific form of epilepsy.

They had her shifted to another place where she can't lock shit up ^^
Give me all the the Juggernaut is: Complete invulnerability, strength and stamina at it's very maximum. To make this completely ridiculous, I wanna keep the size that I am now, I don't want to be so obviously powerful.

My weakness: Orgasms. I would be vulnerable only in the time I bust a nut.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
My one weakness would be that I would have no idea what to do with my powers, so while I will pick up women at the bar by setting people on fire with my mind, I'll accidentally set them on fire and kill them when we go back to my place, leaving me to have lonely, sad superhero sex with a dead body everytime.