If You Could Have Any One Porn Star Clean Your Refrigerator, Who Would It Be?


Postal Paranoiac
We could all use a little help around the house nowadays. And what would be better than having your favorite porn celebrity come on over and get a little dirty? So...who would it be? Which porn star makes you want to get out the rags, the cleaner, the bucket...and hand them all to her?

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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sarah Vandella. Not only for the obvious reasons....I bet she would do a really good job of it.


Postal Paranoiac
I dunno. Maybe I'd pick JENNI LEE. Give her a few bucks. Looks like she could use it.

Queen Bogs

You know, there's no law that says you can't have a cleaning lady for every day. And if I'm filthy and rich, I think I'll do that. So, that's the weekend. Stella! STELLA!!!

