If Women Ruled The World What Would It Be Like?


Closed Account
I think there would be less war but more bitching!
Clothes and shoe shops on every corner!
At least 5 days off a year for BHD (bad hair days), actually make that 10 lol!
More Gossip Girl on tv than football!
All men would be forced to work out until they looked as fit as fuck, at which point they would be given a uniform of tight leather underwear, builders boots, oh and a bow tie to look smart! No other clothes can be worn by men! Face it guys you hate clothes shopping anyway and this will allow more retail space for women's clothes.
More girl/girl hotness! (damn you guys might actually like that!)
Oh and men would be genetically reprogrammed to worship the clitoris in the same way they do boobs! :drool1:

What do you think lol? This should be fun.:D


what the fuck you lookin at?
If women ruled the world, it would be far more fucked up than it is now.
Women have ruled before throughout the world and they have been just as ruthless, mean, and conniving as men are.

The best example is to think on a time when two girls got into a fight back in high school or something. Where the nails came out, so did hair, and blood would usually be drawn. Now imagine that if women were ruling.

Absolute power absolutely corrupts. Man, woman, and children.
All men would be forced to work out until they looked as fit as fuck, at which point they would be given a uniform of tight leather underwear, builders boots, oh and a bow tie to look smart! No other clothes can be worn by men! Face it guys you hate clothes shopping anyway and this will allow more retail space for women's clothes.
So you'd just replace one form of sexism with another?
How progress dear!
Yeah women can be just as cruel or even crueler than any evil man that has ruled or governed anything. I think things would pretty much be like it is right now because not all women are super liberal, just as many bible bashers as well!


Closed Account
Women have ruled before throughout the world and they have been just as ruthless, mean, and conniving as men are.

The best example is to think on a time when two girls got into a fight back in high school or something. Where the nails came out, so did hair, and blood would usually be drawn. Now imagine that if women were ruling.

Absolute power absolutely corrupts. Man, woman, and children.

yep. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned
I think there would be less war but more bitching!
1. Interesting trade-off..I'll have to think long and hard on that one.
Clothes and shoe shops on every corner!
2. As long as 50% of those are lingerie only.
At least 5 days off a year for BHD (bad hair days), actually make that 10 lol!
3. Synchronize your BHDs worldwide and I suppose an additional 10 days of holiday time would be okay with allot of people.
More Gossip Girl on tv than football!
4. There already is.
All men would be forced to work out until they looked as fit as fuck, at which point they would be given a uniform of tight leather underwear, builders boots, oh and a bow tie to look smart! No other clothes can be worn by men! Face it guys you hate clothes shopping anyway and this will allow more retail space for women's clothes.
5. Give women reign over everything and the first thing they want is to make all men look gay.:facepalm: I suppose turn about is fair play since most men want all women to look like hot lesbos.:1orglaugh
More girl/girl hotness! (damn you guys might actually like that!)
6. See 5.
Oh and men would be genetically reprogrammed to worship the clitoris in the same way they do boobs! :drool1:
7. That would suck. Then the men who worship the clitoris more than boobs would have to share all the hot chicks.
What do you think lol? This should be fun.:D

8. >>>>:facepalm:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Cats would chase dogs, monkeys would dig underground, babies would have babies...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My world is run by Wolves.

The world is currently run by women, don't you guys realize this?

lol. boys dont know shit lol guess they didnt know pussy owns everything. i once heard that it was pussy that brought down the roman empire. men will do anything for pussy. unless your gay, and women know this :D
The Washington monument would look like a giant vagina.

So what you're saying is...instead of there being a world full of tall buildings there would be a world full of tunnels and deep, cavernous, underground structures?:angels: