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If only there had been armed guards in Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School...

If only there had been an armed guard at Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School, if only there had been a "good guy with a gun" to protect kids from the "bad guy with a gun".
Oh wait...

Armed guard at Florida high school failed to enter building and stop shooter

An armed deputy, who was on campus at Stoneman Douglas, resigns after sheriff’s reviews finds he stood outside and did not go in

The armed deputy who was on campus at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school when a gunman massacred 17 people stood outside the building as it occurred and did not go in to engage the shooter, the Broward County sheriff, Scott Israel, said on Thursday.

Deputy Scott Peterson, who was the school resource officer at Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, Florida, resigned from the department on Thursday after being told he would be suspended, Israel said.
He did not say if Peterson would face criminal charges.

Israel said he made the decision after reviewing video surveillance and interviewing witnesses, including the deputy himself. The sheriff says Peterson responded to the building where the shooting took place, took up a position outside a door and never went in.
When asked what Peterson should have done, Israel said the deputy should have “went in, addressed the killer, killed the killer”.
The sheriff said he was “devastated, sick to my stomach. There are no words.”

Nikolas Cruz, 19, fatally shot 17 people at the high school on 14 February in the second deadliest shooting at an American public school. The student survivors, supported by their families and teachers, have spoken out against Washington’s inaction and statements by the president.

The news of the deputy’s resignation came just hours after the NRA’s chief, Wayne LaPierre, broke his silence over the Parkland massacre, lambasting gun control advocates and repeating his notorious mantra from after the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012: “To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun.”


Guns won't solve the mass shooting issue, you won't save people by adding more guns to the equation...

You know what would have saved these 17 kids ? A ban on assault rifle. 'cause Cruz used a legally obtained gun he wouldn't have been able ot obtain if it had been banned.
If only there had been an armed guard at Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School, if only there had been a "good guy with a gun" to protect kids from the "bad guy with a gun".
Oh wait...


Guns won't solve the mass shooting issue, you won't save people by adding more guns to the equation...

You know what would have saved these 17 kids ? A ban on assault rifle. 'cause Cruz used a legally obtained gun he wouldn't have been able ot obtain if it had been banned.

I'm not going to cast stones at that guy other than he needs to find another line of work which he's on his way to. Having never been in that situation (thank God), I don't know if I wouldn't do the same.

Which just goes to show that you are ultimately responsible for your own protection. Police hardly ever get there in time and these shootings are over in just a few minutes.
I'm not going to cast stones at that guy other than he needs to find another line of work which he's on his way to. Having never been in that situation (thank God), I don't know if I wouldn't do the same.

Which just goes to show that you are ultimately responsible for your own protection. Police hardly ever get there in time and these shootings are over in just a few minutes.

Your graciousness is commendable, but I think the guy is dog shit. It's showtime, asshole - the VERY GODDAMNED REASON THAT YOU ARE HERE! Stand aside, you fucking cowardly cunt. Pathetic. Who put a badge on that piece of shit? Incidentally, he's already retired, and I wouldn't doubt that he'll be moving, but all the dope and alcohol in the world won't silence the shame he chose for himself. Fucking cunt. And I know about putting your right foot in front of your left, when all you want to do is shit your pants from fear and run. Zero fucking compassion for this detestable coward. Fucking wimp.
On the other, compared to the shotter and hid AR-17, he was clearly under-armed with his Glock.

Should school guards be armed and equiped like SWAT members ?
I suspect the next solution is to give firearms to all the school children.

Ok, kids so when you arrive in class you put down your coat, grab your gun and come sit in front of me ...
The high school that I went to had these heavy steel type doors that you could only open from the inside. If you tried to enter from the outside during school hours you had to be buzzed in by the main office. Why was this not in place at Parkland? A more practical solution to protecting schools would be to have these types of doors that can only open from the inside and a security camera should be placed at the entrances so the main office can see who is at the door and whether or not the person should be let in. This would be way more practical than arming the lunch lady which s by far the dumbest idea I've ever heard
The high school that I went to had these heavy steel type doors that you could only open from the inside. If you tried to enter from the outside during school hours you had to be buzzed in by the main office. Why was this not in place at Parkland? A more practical solution to protecting schools would be to have these types of doors that can only open from the inside and a security camera should be placed at the entrances so the main office can see who is at the door and whether or not the person should be let in.

Exactly. Lock down our schools.

Will E Worm

Gun Grabbers hypocrisy.

Gun Grabbers hypocrisy. Schumer has duel-citizenship. Anyone with duel-citizenship should not be in any position of power in America.

Open carry of military weapons in Israel, guns in schools and children training with gun.

Michael Bloomberg BUSTED

Ah, the classic lie from the gun advocates : their hear "we need to get some legislation passed : banning assault rifles, making sure no mentally illed or violent people aren't allowed to buy, own or bear arms". They imediately translate that into "Obama/Schumer is coming for your guns".
Even among the gun-control, only a advocates tiny fringe of people want to ban all guns. The huge majority just want comprehensive gun legislation.

But I'm not surprised, these are the same people who translate "pro-choice" into "pro-abortion" or "single-payer healthcare" into "communism".

Hey, Will, since you fancy Israel so much, why don't you move there ?
Oops, sorry, I forgot : the country's infested with jews


Will E Worm

comprehensive gun legislation.

Comprehensive: of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive

Translation infringe on rights.

Jus like unconstitutional "hate" crime legislation has infringed on freedom of speech.

Time to repeal them.

Hey, Will, since you fancy Israel so much, why don't you move there ?
Oops, sorry, I forgot : the country's infested with jews

Again, I don't hate them.

I hate the hypocrisy and actions by some who call themselves Jews.

Like Chuck Schumer, Barbara Spectre and so forth.

Revelation 3:9 (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Here's a good story.

Rabbi finds Jesus.

Will E Worm

Ben Shapiro Twitter comment

Scott Israel lied to an entire national audience by suggesting his department had done everything to protect the kids of Parkland. #ResignSheriffIsrael

Shaprio shared tweet:
#ResignSheriffIsrael is the first hashtag that I am legitimately happy to see trending in a while. Enough is enough.

Shocking Failure In The Parkland

We find out two separate bombshells from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office – and those bombshells mean that law-abiding Americans won’t be giving up their guns anytime soon. Plus, we check the mailbag.
