Idiots on the Interweb.

The IMDB message board name-dropper
Sites affected: IMDB. Also popular on other movie and music sites.

We love IMDB for its ridiculously thorough catalog of TV and movie knowledge, but stepping into their forums is like walking into a video store with a million pretentious and insecure clerks behind the counter that cast judgments on your taste in movies. But by far the worst part is the throng of unconnected schlubs who do nothing but mention how they don’t agree with some of the choices Marty made in The Departed, or how they can appreciate how Quentin and Robert must feel about the general public not understanding the three-hour inside joke they called Grindhouse.

The people who post “FIRST!!1!” in every comment thread
Sites affected:,, just about any site with comments.

Making a post like this is basically like coming right out and saying, “I have nothing better to do than sit at my computer and wait for someone to update this blog.” What’s worse is when a bunch of people get in on the act and the first 10 comments on each post are the same useless word. In fact, if this article gets posted anywhere with comments (we don’t have them for a reason) some smart guy will try to pull this. You can be sure that that person has never seen the bathing suit area of the opposite sex.

The guy that gives something everyone loves a one-star review
Sites affected:, any site where grumpy users are allowed to write reviews.

A world where everyone completely agreed on every subject would be boring, but it might be slightly better than our current world in which contrarian blowhards can’t resist the call of the one-star review button. Check out this example on Irate user, Jabber, is mad because the characters on South Park are badly drawn. Is it a valid point to be made? Maybe. Is it reason enough to go on a public forum and rant like a maniac? Probably not.

PeOplE ThaT Typ3 lIKE ThIS
Sites affected:,, FreeOnes, any site where 13-year-olds are allowed to type.

We can understand ignoring some grammar, punctuation and capitalization for the sake of laziness, but typing like that travesty of a headline actually takes longer than just typing normally. Just think about how much you have to use your friggin’ pinky. Plus, you have to factor in all the time it takes thinking, “Should it be ‘InSANe CloWN PoSsE’ or ‘INsanE ClOWn PoSsE’?” Add in these knuckleheads’ tendencies to end everything with a Z and use words like “wut” and “dat” and you have the perfect method for making people think that you’re a total asshole with nothing of any value to say. Unless you’re on the My Chemical Romance forum, in which case you’re golden.

Facebook poker
Sites affected:

You don’t call people on the phone if you have nothing to say to them. You don’t send your friends e-mails that are completely blank. So why would you poke someone using Facebook? It makes so much more sense to just send a message or, better yet, don’t do anything. If poking was a real-life conversation, this is how it would go:
Some jack-off: Hey, I’m looking at Facebook.
Us: Oh. Cool, I guess.
Some jack-off: Yep.
Us: Did you have anything to tell us, or…
Some jack-off: Nope, just poking you.
Us: Fuck this, we’re going to lurk professional sports cheerleaders that are well above the legal age of consent (let’s see you take issue with that, lawyers) on MySpace.

The guy that posts, “This is old” or “Not news”
Sites affected: Tech blogs,,

When you work in a field as timely as technology reporting, getting scooped is a bad feeling. What’s worse is the feeling of getting called out for being late on something by a guy who has nothing better to do than get fatter and check 200 times a day. If you’re so up on your shit, why not start a news site and get in on some of that sweet Google AdSense money? Because you have too much integrity? Probably not. Because you’re too busy getting fatter and watching Battlestar Galactica? That sounds more like it.

The FreeOnes comment beggar
Sites affected: FreeOnes :D And others of course but they dont matter

Believe it or not, almost no one is as excited about the picture you took of yourself in the bathroom mirror—holding your arms above your head so you look a lot thinner, of course—as you are. Sending a bulletin begging for people to comment on it is just going to make them even less pumped. If you’re dissatisfied with the amount of love that your MySpace page gets, you’re either a person whose friends prefer traditional methods of communication or a completely insecure douche with lots of huge, sparkly word GIFs all over your page.

Useless forwarder of urban legends and chain letters
Sites affected: E-mail, MySpace, Facebook, FreeOnes

We can deal with the endless amounts of penis enlargement and bank notification spam we get every day, but getting a useless and often completely ludicrous message from someone we were nice enough to trust with our e-mail address is a betrayal of the most heinous variety. No, Mars is not going to appear as big as the moon in the sky tonight. No, my crush’s name will not appear if I send this message to 10 people. No, I don’t want your inbox-clogging bullshit making us just that much dumber.

Grammar sticklers
Sites affected: Every site with words.

We’ve already expressed our distaste for purposely nonsensical typing practices, but you can be sure that you’ll never find us going online to criticize people about dangling a participle every now and again. We barely expect the average Internet commenter or message board poster to be able to finish Green Eggs and Ham, let alone know the difference between further and farther.

I'm incredably bored this evening, I found this and I thought I might aswell post it. FreeOnes wasnt mentioned in the original article, I have added it because some of this applies to us aswell.

So hopefully this will fade off into obscurity and the last 10 minutes I just wasted reading this will not be in vain.

The people who post “FIRST!!1!” in every comment thread
Sites affected:,, just about any site with comments.

Making a post like this is basically like coming right out and saying, “I have nothing better to do than sit at my computer and wait for someone to update this blog.” What’s worse is when a bunch of people get in on the act and the first 10 comments on each post are the same useless word. In fact, if this article gets posted anywhere with comments (we don’t have them for a reason) some smart guy will try to pull this. You can be sure that that person has never seen the bathing suit area of the opposite sex.
Shall I post a First !!!1!

And agreed with above post, the inter net is getting worse.
The IMDB message board name-dropper
Sites affected: IMDB. Also popular on other movie and music sites.

We love IMDB for its ridiculously thorough catalog of TV and movie knowledge, but stepping into their forums is like walking into a video store with a million pretentious and insecure clerks behind the counter that cast judgments on your taste in movies. But by far the worst part is the throng of unconnected schlubs who do nothing but mention how they don’t agree with some of the choices Marty made in The Departed, or how they can appreciate how Quentin and Robert must feel about the general public not understanding the three-hour inside joke they called Grindhouse.

I usually don't go to these kind of sites so *no comment*.

The people who post “FIRST!!1!” in every comment thread
Sites affected:,, just about any site with comments.

Making a post like this is basically like coming right out and saying, “I have nothing better to do than sit at my computer and wait for someone to update this blog.” What’s worse is when a bunch of people get in on the act and the first 10 comments on each post are the same useless word. In fact, if this article gets posted anywhere with comments (we don’t have them for a reason) some smart guy will try to pull this. You can be sure that that person has never seen the bathing suit area of the opposite sex.

Second!!!!2!! (at least I can count...)

The guy that gives something everyone loves a one-star review
Sites affected:, any site where grumpy users are allowed to write reviews.

A world where everyone completely agreed on every subject would be boring, but it might be slightly better than our current world in which contrarian blowhards can’t resist the call of the one-star review button. Check out this example on Irate user, Jabber, is mad because the characters on South Park are badly drawn. Is it a valid point to be made? Maybe. Is it reason enough to go on a public forum and rant like a maniac? Probably not.

You're entirely correct! Who cares about the characters anyway? It's the background that is important!

PeOplE ThaT Typ3 lIKE ThIS
Sites affected:,, FreeOnes, any site where 13-year-olds are allowed to type.

We can understand ignoring some grammar, punctuation and capitalization for the sake of laziness, but typing like that travesty of a headline actually takes longer than just typing normally. Just think about how much you have to use your friggin’ pinky. Plus, you have to factor in all the time it takes thinking, “Should it be ‘InSANe CloWN PoSsE’ or ‘INsanE ClOWn PoSsE’?” Add in these knuckleheads’ tendencies to end everything with a Z and use words like “wut” and “dat” and you have the perfect method for making people think that you’re a total asshole with nothing of any value to say. Unless you’re on the My Chemical Romance forum, in which case you’re golden.

BuT I 1iKe USiN9 C0N9ratZzzZZZzzz!

Facebook poker
Sites affected:

You don’t call people on the phone if you have nothing to say to them. You don’t send your friends e-mails that are completely blank. So why would you poke someone using Facebook? It makes so much more sense to just send a message or, better yet, don’t do anything. If poking was a real-life conversation, this is how it would go:
Some jack-off: Hey, I’m looking at Facebook.
Us: Oh. Cool, I guess.
Some jack-off: Yep.
Us: Did you have anything to tell us, or…
Some jack-off: Nope, just poking you.
Us: Fuck this, we’re going to lurk professional sports cheerleaders that are well above the legal age of consent (let’s see you take issue with that, lawyers) on MySpace.

*no comment* *pokes everyone*

The guy that posts, “This is old” or “Not news”
Sites affected: Tech blogs,,

When you work in a field as timely as technology reporting, getting scooped is a bad feeling. What’s worse is the feeling of getting called out for being late on something by a guy who has nothing better to do than get fatter and check 200 times a day. If you’re so up on your shit, why not start a news site and get in on some of that sweet Google AdSense money? Because you have too much integrity? Probably not. Because you’re too busy getting fatter and watching Battlestar Galactica? That sounds more like it.

This is old! Besides, it's either star wars or startrek for me...

The FreeOnes comment beggar
Sites affected: FreeOnes :D And others of course but they dont matter

Believe it or not, almost no one is as excited about the picture you took of yourself in the bathroom mirror—holding your arms above your head so you look a lot thinner, of course—as you are. Sending a bulletin begging for people to comment on it is just going to make them even less pumped. If you’re dissatisfied with the amount of love that your MySpace page gets, you’re either a person whose friends prefer traditional methods of communication or a completely insecure douche with lots of huge, sparkly word GIFs all over your page.

You comment beggar! :tongue:

Useless forwarder of urban legends and chain letters
Sites affected: E-mail, MySpace, Facebook, FreeOnes

We can deal with the endless amounts of penis enlargement and bank notification spam we get every day, but getting a useless and often completely ludicrous message from someone we were nice enough to trust with our e-mail address is a betrayal of the most heinous variety. No, Mars is not going to appear as big as the moon in the sky tonight. No, my crush’s name will not appear if I send this message to 10 people. No, I don’t want your inbox-clogging bullshit making us just that much dumber.

:eek: you don't send those mails through to other people? No wonder you visit a porn board. You probably won't find a girl for the next 5 million 348 thousand and 847 years.

Grammar sticklers
Sites affected: Every site with words.

We’ve already expressed our distaste for purposely nonsensical typing practices, but you can be sure that you’ll never find us going online to criticize people about dangling a participle every now and again. We barely expect the average Internet commenter or message board poster to be able to finish Green Eggs and Ham, let alone know the difference between further and farther.

I'm incredably bored this evening, I found this and I thought I might aswell post it. FreeOnes wasnt mentioned in the original article, I have added it because some of this applies to us aswell.

So hopefully this will fade off into obscurity and the last 10 minutes I just wasted reading this will not be in vain.


It's incredibly, not incredably. :tongue:

You are the reason I'm still here, nice post. If you had claimed it was orginal, people would have been electing it for POTW.
I could get my fix from some other place but boys make me keep reading and wanting to add my two cents.....

and maybe the hope one day of a free t-shirt for doing nothing but reading and posting.

By the way I just found out there's this whole other tab/partition kind of another web part to this place... where there are pictures... like dozens...dozens of pictures of girls with no clothes on...who knew? I love this place! :)

Seriously, funny stuff boys!

Should the post above me count as a post.....COME ON!
Last edited:
Should the post above me count as a post.....COME ON!

That was satire; Not only an ironic musing on the poster's statements regarding his intentions, but on another idiosyncrasy of people on the net to convey their message in cryptic symbolism, which both obfuscate and at the same time derive deep connotations to their expressions. How's that?
So hopefully this will fade off into obscurity and the last 10 minutes I just wasted reading this will not be in vain.
You fucking wish... ! ;):1orglaugh


Official Checked Star Member
Grammar sticklers
Sites affected: Every site with words.

We’ve already expressed our distaste for purposely nonsensical typing practices, but you can be sure that you’ll never find us going online to criticize people about dangling a participle every now and again. We barely expect the average Internet commenter or message board poster to be able to finish Green Eggs and Ham, let alone know the difference between further and farther.

I'm incredably bored this evening, I found this and I thought I might aswell post it. FreeOnes wasnt mentioned in the original article, I have added it because some of this applies to us aswell.

*adopts a snotty pose and haughty tone of voice*

You must mean that you're increDIbly bored as it applies to us "as well"

*drops the act*

Yeah, that last part made me think of another kind of idiot on the web, the grammar/spelling stickler who takes umbrage with something you posted and then picks on one tiny misspelling or grammatical mistake. They act like your whole point is meaningless because You Misspelled calendar.

"You guys, you guys! You should all listen to me and not him b/c he doesn't know grammar rules!" BFD asshole! The point was still valid. Weakest. Argument. Evar.

Cool post, thanks for sharing!


This has to do with the internet providing safety. I get flamed on some forums. Freeones doesn't have much flaming that I have seen.

Just make them look like a dumb ass when they're flaming you. Don't stoop to their level. It can be difficult, but show them you have brains.


there are a lot of idiots in the world, and the internet makes them feel as if their opinions mattered. it gives them a chance to feel cool (eVen if tHat i5, leIk, aN illUsi0n), and everyone in the whole godforsaken universe thinks that i am entitled to their retarded opinions...

i know how you feel, but you must remember two things:

1) the WWW is still relatively young, eventually we will somehow learn to deal with this (i vote for mass murder)
2) you can always ignore the tards. i used to play counterstrike on a server where people with l33t names were kicked and banned by an admin immediatley upon joining... it warmed my tiny, underdeveloped heart.
You are the reason I'm still here, nice post. If you had claimed it was orginal, people would have been electing it for POTW.
I could get my fix from some other place but boys make me keep reading and wanting to add my two cents.....

and maybe the hope one day of a free t-shirt for doing nothing but reading and posting.

By the way I just found out there's this whole other tab/partition kind of another web part to this place... where there are pictures... like dozens...dozens of pictures of girls with no clothes on...who knew? I love this place! :)

Seriously, funny stuff boys!

Should the post above me count as a post.....COME ON!

And in deed it did count... oh and look, one extra post from myself as well. :thumbsup:

What can I say :dunno: Self promotion is a gift :D

Not like the promotion of this thread. My :2 cents: you get at least a 4 star thread.
WhaTs wRonG wiTh mY tYpiNg?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Useless forwarder of urban legends and chain letters
Sites affected: E-mail, MySpace, Facebook, FreeOnes

We can deal with the endless amounts of penis enlargement and bank notification spam we get every day, but getting a useless and often completely ludicrous message from someone we were nice enough to trust with our e-mail address is a betrayal of the most heinous variety. No, Mars is not going to appear as big as the moon in the sky tonight. No, my crush’s name will not appear if I send this message to 10 people. No, I don’t want your inbox-clogging bullshit making us just that much dumber.

Ugh, I hate people that feel inclined to do this and I want to take their "forward all" button away from them. My FIL and father can't resist forwarding shit and actually gets offended when I don't respond to all 20,000 in a day.

Also the constant know, the person who finds something somewhere on the net and has to link it to everyone on their friend's list? Like Roald with really, really gross shit....
[B][URL=" said:
Petra[/URL][/B], post: 2942888, member: 114093"].... Like Roald with really, really gross shit....

Seen 1 girl 12 horses yet? :helpme: