Predatorian_be said:Goodlooking.... need I say more?
DrMotorcity said:Who ever she is, she's asking for trouble by leaning on that ladder like that, when one considers that it has obviously been "modified" with a blatant contempt for the numerous warnings posted by the manufacturer. The folding "braces" that otherwise would safely spread the two "legs" of the ladder are nowhere to be found, and instead replaced by a section of chain! The Occupational Safety and Health Administration would be opening up their citation book for this one--they can always use the money--but, to answer your question, no, I don't know who this pornstar is...sorry. :o
AFA said:A good point!
Risky behavior like this gets people into deep trouble. As you can see, she's very horny and could flintch at any moment in sheer ecstasy and tip over that ladder. God forbid if there is a can of paint on top! It would crash down violently causing the whole backyard to be splattered with pink or orange latex or some other abhorent Sherwin Williams color! God help us all! :rofl:
DrMotorcity said:Yes, indeed it is a good point, and if this model were infact to be a "pornstar," as in being "employed" in such capacity, no differently than one employed in any other legitimate profession who receives taxable compensation in exchange for their services, then without doubt Dr. Sharon Mitchell of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation would be furious at the negligence in full display, and soon would follow with a scathing missive to remind the talent that certain--if not all, as any self-respecting defense lawyer will convincingly argue--"activities" inherent to this particular profession are not covered by worker's compensation or any related type of agency. (
Anyways, I think the model in question looks like Sally Field. Can't accuse me of straying off topic.![]()
DrMotorcity said:Bravo, AFA, and I could not agree any more, and, as always, your keen insight has brought a few other matters to my attention, most notably, that upon further review, you will see that this chain which we have spoke of, that had incited the controversy and aroused so much concern, while indeed appearing to be attached to one leg of the ladder, the other end of it, closest to the model, seems as if it is attached to her!:eek: Well, won't some UN sub-committe be interested to hear about these goings-on right here in the 21st century! And to make matters worse, our poor sister "Sally," seems to have become numbed by her fate--if not overtly sympathetic towards her captors, as it is quite clear by her grasp on the vile ladder and her the manner in which she imposes her person between it and the photographer (perhaps on assignment from UNICEF, Amnesty International, NOW, or even the Sierra Club((it is a wooden ladder, mind you))) that she is protecting someone in this gulag that I have no doubt will never be too far out of Tomahawk range! Screw the sanctions, the resolutions, and the Burt Reynolds! Let us commence with the deliverance of this sweet young thing from the greasy hands of an Evildoer! Nun would argue!
(I still think she looks like Sally Field)
Predatorian_be said:Goodlooking.... need I say more?
Cinjun said:Holy crap!! That's too funny!! I can't you actually found her! Nice job!!
DrMotorcity said:Thanks! A PM is on the way to Predatorian_be to bring him the news as I have the feeling he was "coerced" to give up on this one. Breaking news: just found out that Carl Vinson is on her way and leading the task force now arming up to liberate Ms. Field-Walker-Lindh.
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