I wish to beat the living shit out of...


This fag.
That is all.

Actually it looks like somebody beat me too it.

What one person do you want to beat the living shit out of?

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Any so called dudes/guys that verbally abuse, physically or mentally harm or abuse girls, kids or the elderly. :mad::thefinger :cussing:

Child Molesters, Rapists, & other Cowardly Bitches!! :mad::thefinger :cussing:

Eminem (aka Marshall Mathers)

Sean Avery (NY Rangers)

Sidney Crosby (aka Cindy Crysby, Pits. Penguins)

Evgani Malkin (aka Gino Malkin, Pits. Penguins)

Taylor Kennedy (Pits. Penguins)

Rashaad Evans (MMA Fighter) but I know I can't, so my dude Quinton "Rampage" Jackson is gonna handle that for me. :D :nanner:

This just my right off the top of my heads list. I am sure there are several more that I would love to beat the $h!t out of.


Hiliary 2020
Oh thats the guy who called Ms. California a stupid ignorant bitch because she said what she felt instead of pandering for the crown.
Yeah, he is a fag, and gay fag at that.
He needs one of those James Caan, Godfather 1, garbage can involved beatins!
I'd like to give him the kind of beatin that when the police arrive one of them says "what kind of animal could do this to another human being?"

(Note: My response was a natural, masculine response and was in no way influenced by the use of steroids.
stay off the juice people, the side effects just aren't worth it).
Didn't Perez get bitch slapped by someone in the Black Eyed Peas? That was cool, and he is a big-mouthed pussy who, if I was famous, would put him in the ICU.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The San Diego Padres
I cant stand Perez Hilton he is an idiot, WTF is he famous for anyway...being a fruit?..is that it?