I want a shirt that says in order to elaborate you must have a six inch penis
I haven't seen you in forever, it's been quite a long time
But I'm glad you're back now, because I've been itching to rhyme
You want a shirt that talks about the size of your penis?
Well that's just one of the many differences between us
Because I don't want anybody to know about my cock
The sheer truth of it's size would put the whole world in shock
But you already know, if there was a test on it, you'd pass
I've been fucking you with my rhymes, shoving my lyrical dick in your ass
But I'm glad that you're back, and that's just being honest
I'm happy your presence is once again laid upon us
And it's also nice to see that you're now the "assholebythedoor"
But maybe next time you could be more accurate and switch your name to "mymommasastupidwhore"