I think this might be 'Shopped'
tanktopsrule Nov 20, 2010 #1 I think this might be 'Shopped' Attachments shopped.jpg 108.1 KB · Views: 441
andrea_ Nov 20, 2010 #2 yeah, clearly someone put letters on a perfectly taken picture of the landscape I see from my window...
yeah, clearly someone put letters on a perfectly taken picture of the landscape I see from my window...
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Nov 20, 2010 #3 Are you sure? It does look EXACTLY like the Su15 Flaggon carrier variant which has just launched from the Russian carrier admiral Gorky...
Are you sure? It does look EXACTLY like the Su15 Flaggon carrier variant which has just launched from the Russian carrier admiral Gorky...
Emma-Ink Official Checked Star Member Nov 21, 2010 #7 NOwai, I took that photo, and it is certainly not sh00ped. That's just my backyard
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Nov 22, 2010 #9 This reminds me of a dream I once had.
M Member442 Nov 22, 2010 #10 I like the ship Asianlov69 said: I think so... I don't think canada has a ship Click to expand... Hey now we have tons of ships just because half of them aren't sea worthy anymore means nothing.
I like the ship Asianlov69 said: I think so... I don't think canada has a ship Click to expand... Hey now we have tons of ships just because half of them aren't sea worthy anymore means nothing.
STDiva Nov 24, 2010 #17 feelfree said: That picture looks like the last shit I took Click to expand... I want what you're eating.
feelfree said: That picture looks like the last shit I took Click to expand... I want what you're eating.
F freeoneskutti Nov 24, 2010 #18 Emma-Ink said: NOwai, I took that photo, and it is certainly not sh00ped. That's just my backyard Click to expand... oh really?... I'd love to visit your backyard sometime...Not YOUR backyard....But YOUR BACKYARD...... I hope I dint come across like a salivating macho.......:eek: :crowdgrin:
Emma-Ink said: NOwai, I took that photo, and it is certainly not sh00ped. That's just my backyard Click to expand... oh really?... I'd love to visit your backyard sometime...Not YOUR backyard....But YOUR BACKYARD...... I hope I dint come across like a salivating macho.......:eek: :crowdgrin: