I post a picture of your future wife


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Same woman I asked to be my wife since 2003. This might be done "grat expectations" bullshit but I believe in one True love per life I drink for her, i' d die for her. And no you get no details of her. :p
thanks for the rep but do understand if you decided on a wife there would be no purpose for this game


I am disapoint.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm a him, Torre. And I'm taken.

Not you, ya bloody twat! I want the forty-something I've had most of my board life, and her departure disrupted that. :p
Ok, go for it. Let's see what my future has in store for me. If you post a picture of NikkiValentine, Petra, Ashleigh, or Alisa I'll personally see to it that you never get banned. Hell, I'll even settle for a picture of Dirk.


Closed Account
Ok, I make my request - gal should love good grunge rock music, beers and oughta be a real looker!! Where'll you come up with this one!??.....
