I´m looking for a softcore movie

I´m searching a softcore movie in which women are enclosed in a jail and do experiments with them.
The men who them enclosed to them use dark spectacles and a cap and the clothes of them are white.

In a scene, a woman has sex in the door of her cell with a man and she steals the key from him.
This woman has very big boobs (really big).

In another scene a woman dies in a swimming pool.

The movie was filmed before 2000 (1990 to 1999 maybe)

For years I am looking for her, I would be grateful that you could help me :thumbsup:


Ah yes that movie it was very good. I remember I think it was called Mrtrebus' Family Holiday Summer 1987.


Member, you member...
Sounds like one of those "sexploitation" movies of the past.
A search for B movies of naked girls might turn up something.