I have the best idea ever!

Let's have a FreeOnes get-to-gether this summer at a location where it's most accessible to the most members.

We could all have a grand old time. :nannerf1:
i was with you until i saw the humping bananas...
Judging by this thread's title, I thought you were leaving the board...
well there is an open invitation to any and all OCSM's to come chill at my place if they want...they're allowed to bring one regular board member as a plus one if they want


Lord Dipstick
Come to Jersey...I got a mansion down the street from Bon Jovi and Geraldo Rivera.
My shit is Grand, son!


Closed Account
Whose area has the most riot police? Or least depending on how you party. :)
I think it's a good idea.

No matter what his political ideas, I think Sam would be great fun at a BBQ.


C.K. Lawrence

Closed Account
To my knowledge most of the replies have come from North Americans, or at least this side of the planet. Roald must have not noticed the thread as yet.
Sadly, there will need to be a Euro get-together and a North American get-together. Surely there are some shutterbugs in the groups to take photos of the party. We could post all the pictures after both parties have ended and it would be fun to see everyone as they really are versus avatars.

Of course.... it would be a HUGE BONUS if the FreeOne ladies showed up too!!!
Sadly, there will need to be a Euro get-together and a North American get-together. Surely there are some shutterbugs in the groups to take photos of the party. We could post all the pictures after both parties have ended and it would be fun to see everyone as they really are versus avatars.

Of course.... it would be a HUGE BONUS if the FreeOne's ladies showed up too!!!
