I have never participated in this Black Friday craze before....

Is it worth the hassle?

Please advise.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I was working overtime from 5am to 10pm at an Apple Store last year. I wanted to murder everyone I saw after 3pm.


My Penis Is Dancing!
People act like complete idiots during these things. I liken it to a zombie feeding frenzy, as in reality, few realize what they are going after - they just feel their purpose in life is to be part of "that moment". If you want to see society at its most pathetic, sure, go to one.
People act like complete idiots during these things. I liken it to a zombie feeding frenzy, as in reality, few realize what they are going after - they just feel their purpose in life is to be part of "that moment". If you want to see society at its most pathetic, sure, go to one.

Quoted for truth!:goodpost:

The most fucked up thing is that these fucking stores are opening up at 4am,and people are so fucking stupid that they actually get up to get trampled on,all for a fucking bargain.

Furthermore,who in the fuck wants to actually get up and be at work at 4am!I can see if you work at a bakery or the ER,but c'mon.If people were really smart,they would by all of their Christmas presents in October and not have to worry about it.

And people wonder why terrorist want us dead.It's not because of our lavish lifestyles,it's to eliminate stupid from the world.

*while that last statement was in jest,it might actually be truer than we realize*


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You Americans are so silly.


Hiliary 2020
It's disgusting. It really is.
No, i never went shopping on black Friday, neither did my mom.
And did you notice how fat almost everybody in that video was?


knows petras secret: she farted.
just so you know, its fake. its hype. like hallmark creating extra holidays to sell their cards.

theres not actual big sales that make a big difference that you cant get at anytime. its just a stupid made up day that makes you think you HAVE to go shopping with a bunch of other dbags all up in your way.
I will not be participating. I just heard you could buy iMacs for 100 dollars and shit like that. But MP is right. Most of those in the video thought Big Macs were on sale.
The deals aren't as good as people say. You Might save a few bucks, but nothing worth dealing with stampedes for.

If anybody here does go, don't leave stuff in your cars if you continue shopping. People plan around this night to break into cars and steal shit.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
While I worked at McDonalds in my college days, I'd ask black friday off every year to go ski. Every year I was denied and put in the Walmart McDonalds our store ran...probably as my punishment for daring to ask for black friday off. o_O To be completely honest, Cthulhu has nothing on the insanity black friday causes.

I tried preparing for the day as best as possible, but being in walmart, we just didn't have that much storage space. I had to keep product in 3 different stores surrounding the walmart mcd's...had to make sure to beg for extra staff that actually had a car to go get the product when I needed it, shotguns to keep the masses from jumping the counter...ok, so maybe not shotguns...but I thought about it.

I'd get to the store about 4:30 in the morning to prepare for the opening and there were already people standing in line, stretching around the building. Then I always got to witness the opening of the doors. Watching people push and shove their way in and trample over the fallen. The only thing that was missing is the rest turning on the fallen to gnaw on them and tear them from limb to limb. I felt for the poor employees who had to open the doors.

Yea, I miss black friday about as much as I miss the teenie beenie baby promo.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I worked at sears as a seasonal employee a few years ago and had to work at like 3 am black Friday, it wasn't too bad until a man tried to pull a scam over on me by telling me he purchased a tv but didn't have the receipt but that he wanted the money back for it.. Needless to say I told him no and he SPIT on me.. Yeah.. I flipped.

Anyways this black Friday I'll most likely go to a few stores but only because I'm already up at that time, I usually don't go to bed until 7 or 8 am (it's 5:30 am right now) so 4 am is my normal shopping time..

I hope you get trampled and black people steal your wallet

People act like complete idiots during these things. I liken it to a zombie feeding frenzy, as in reality, few realize what they are going after - they just feel their purpose in life is to be part of "that moment". If you want to see society at its most pathetic, sure, go to one.

I soo want to do this once and witness society :eek:
One piece of advice I'd give you to prepare for black Friday if you do plan to go: First, train by going to Pamplona, Spain for the running of the bulls. If you can make it there, you can survive black Friday.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I soo want to do this once and witness society :eek:

Tell you what. I'll allow you to stay with my parents (my mother will make you a thanksgiving feast that was cooked entirely in microwave) and then you can go black friday shopping with her. Free room, thanks giving dinner...you just need to show up.