Where in the hell are you getting this from? :dunno:
(A)In college, if the ball carrier falls to the ground without being touched, he is considered "down" because they want to avoid injuries...pussies.
(B)In college, you only need one foot inbounds for a catch to count...pussies.
(C)In college, the clock stops after first downs so the team can reset itself and not have to hurry too much...pussies.
Just to name a few examples of why your statement astounds me.
(D)Plus, they are actually petitioning within the NCAA to make college football have 5 downs instead of 4...pussies.
ChefChitown...someday you'll realize you're being sold a bill of goods with respect to the quality of the NFL game. It is in dire need of "revamping" beginning with "in the grasp" (please defend THAT), the coaches tossing flags for instant replay (defend THAT), the shove-out play and other issues. I'll bring more up later. I want to get to your post and address other people all at once.
I've labeled the statements A-D, so I can respond without having to do a massive copy/quote/paste thing.
A)What do you want me to say? This is weak and I basically already said it above.
B)Flat-out disagree here. This is why there needs to be a difference between college and pro. This rule actually helps "little" teams compete against "Goliath Program." Since the NFL has a salary cap, free agency etc., they try to make all teams competitive and they don't need to worry about the New York Giants beating Jville 80-0. College rule is fine. The pro rule is fine. This should not be changed.
C)Wrong, wrong wrong. Every game matters in college. Not every game matters in the pros. There's plenty of excitement in the college game, especially when the team runs out of TO's. Colleges also don't have ALL DAY EVERY DAY to memorize 2 Minute drills. AGAIN. There has to be a difference between the PRO'S and the Colleges. College also has an incredibly exciting overtime system. Please defend the NFL's choice for handling overtime.
D)I don't know what the hell you're talking about here. Please cite a recognized source for this.
Iamforever--please stay out of the discussion. You don't make any sense, anywhere. If you can contribute something meaningful and understandable, fine. If you just randomly blurt out "SAFETY." Leave the topic to people capable of making arguments. Cptha clarified the ground causing fumble rules, which, actually, I was correct, if you go reread my post.
Cptha--only TE's go over the middle anymore in the Pro game. College WRs go over the middle all the time. I agree, the Powder Blue Charger unis are awesome. I even like the number on the helmet. I think this new all white look they have is ugly.