I Am Alive


what the fuck you lookin at?
XBLA and PSN? This is an arcade game? WOW! Looks pretty damn good. To good to be an arcade game at that!
XBLA and PSN? This is an arcade game? WOW! Looks pretty damn good. To good to be an arcade game at that!

ya probably over the 2gb size for sure. Then again all we see is video no gameplay yet so could be little less. Im just hoping its less than $15


what the fuck you lookin at?
ya probably over the 2gb size for sure. Then again all we see is video no gameplay yet so could be little less. Im just hoping its less than $15

I'm sure it'll be at least $15. Wouldn't surprise me if it was 20 even.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Game is good, little short.
I have played the demo off psn and it ain't the most fluid of games to control, predictable really I won't be buying the full game !!
Havnt played yet. The file size was a little to big at the moment(ISP cap).
If it were good any way the price is out of my range for arcade games. I dont like going over $10. When it goes on sale ill proabably grab it... after trying it out first ofcoarse.
i got it and so far (maybe a little gameplay time like 30 minutes or so) it is a different and unique type of game.
i like it... but when you download a game or spend money on MS points and DL a game YOU play it or it's just a waste of money.
i haven't gotten very far,i am still near the beginning that the tutorial messages still come up for directions on how to do things during gameplay.
sorry i couldn't be more help
I tried the demo and it was pretty interesting, might wait til it's on sale on PSN. I could see it being an episodic game
I played the demo on PS3,and I don't really like it.

Atmospherically,it's pretty interesting,but that's about it.the controls when you confront other people and have to defend yourself are pretty atrocious.
I tried the demo, and to be honest, I expected more with all the hype it got. I'm not saying it is bad, but it just doesn't appeal to me much, thus why I quit the demo halfway through.
after further review (and some playing it today) i think i fucking hate this game!
i have a machete and a gun with 1 bullet ...how do you fight off 4 guys ...2 who have guns and 2 others who also have machete's and basically jump you at the same time. i am going to look online how to get past this current part i am on (have tried it 20 times already without being successful) and if i can't get past it im deleting this fucking shit!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Really? I beat the game ages ago.
i only play a little bit here and there,i cant play that game for a long sitting i get too frustrated or bored cause not much is happening,but if it keeps taking me 15-20 tries to get past a showdown with goons i may have to give up on this game.
is the skyscraper anywhere near the middle part of the game? do i have a long way to go to finish?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That's pretty much the last moments of the game.
Its very changeling this game as a crazy steep learning curve and problems you fix by shooting and getting into fights in the beginning while getting used to the game will screw you as you progress I couldn't count the times I could of easily shot my way out of a situation but I was stuck with no bullets and no health.
Its a good game for a downloadable title.
If your up for a challenge give this one a try.