Huckabee Makes New Genetic Discovery!

Last night holy roller evangelist Mike Huckabee claimed that scientists have discovered a "DNA Schedule" that proves beyond a doubt that human life begins at the very moment of conception. Now I find it peculiar that someone who dismisses the conclusion of 98%+ of all scientists who study climate that humans are causing climate change, but he would be so gung ho to jump on the science bandwagon when it comes to abortion.

But the interesting part is that no one can actually find who these scientists are! Geneticists have never heard of a "DNA Schedule"

“I have no idea what he’s talking about,” said Duke University geneticist Misha Angrist, in an email.
“but ‘DNA schedule’ has real potential as a name for a band, an app or maybe an erectile dysfunction drug.”

So those of you who are anti-abortion as I think we all are, but also want it to be seen as murder and outlawed, if you know any of these scientists or their whereabouts could you please let the rest of us know? If there's proof I'd like to see it as would everyone else.

Another winner he said was "The Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being" Hate to tell ya Huck, but until the big man comes down and takes over, the SCOUTS is the supreme being of this country. SO suck it with your goofy mouth that mish mashes all over when you talk

Here's one article about his claims
Both parties could be accused of embracing science when it suits their agenda
Democrats have opposed genetically modified crops when science proves that it is safe In Oregon, they objected to fluoride in the water supply.
whoa lol when did scientists prove GMO crops were safe? The entire argument is that there is no science on it. And if you lived here full time and did a water sample you'd understand the way that the water system works.

The closer you live to the water supply location the higher the levels of chlorine and fluoride in the water. They do that because by the time it gets to the farthest point it still has to have a minimum amount and it degrades as it travels through the system. I had a water test done last year because my water smelled weird and the levels of chlorine AND fluoride in my water were dangerously high. Turns out I lived a mile from the water supply. Fluoride in high doses is unhealthy. No one rehects its presence, its the way it is administered in the system that is the issue. I researched the shit out of it and contacted by congressman about it.
I get my water from FGUA which is so outrageously over-priced I pay $130 month (yes, just for water!) vs $19 month for my previous house getting water from the city. The water smelled weird and tasted horrible so I had a water test done and it proved there were toxic levels. I had no choices and FGUA refused to do anything about it so I contacted my state representative because it is the state water company FGUA stands for Florida Governmental Utility Authority. Who better to contact?

Nothing was done and I had to put a filter on my water line at my expense.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Huckabee is a moron. This is the same guy who said "One thing that all of us have a responsibility to do is recognize that climate change is here, it's real" in 2007 when campaigning for president. But apparently now he has flip flopped... because reasons.

The fact that so many republicans are speaking out against climate change is disconcerting. When Chris Christie is the most reasonable candidate on a subject, something has gone horribly wrong.