Be proud Obamaites... be real proud!!!!
Be proud Obamaites... be real proud!!!!
The election results says there were more stupid people of your ilk. Stupid won.
Yeah yeah yeah, once again you guys are all about democracy and freedom, until you lose. God's will or someone else's fault. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Y'know, your Party is finding out the hard way that you can only peddle so much bullshit before people notice the stench. You may want to start thinking about that too.
The election results says there were more stupid people of your ilk. Stupid won.
What a crock. Fear and lies lost.
Fear and lies? "They're gonna put y'all back in chains" "
spontaneous reaction” to an obscure anti-Islam video*"
No it looks like fears, lies and stupidity won.
Have some cheese with your whine and enjoy four more years. I read today that by 2016 Texas could be a swing state. That would really put a hurt on republican electoral prospects. Florida and Virginia are already solidly leaning blue. If Texas joins New York and California as democratic locks, there goes any future hope of the GOP winning the White House. Yeah, I can see why you're so butthurt and bitter. :1orglaugh
Texas just elected a Tea Party candidate for the US Senate. Good luck with that purple state thing.
I didn't say we were there yet, but take it from someone inside Texas politics, the tides are changing. The emerging Hispanic population and Democratic grassroots organization within the state have the republican establishment worried. After watching Fox News fall on it's face this past Tuesday I've seen even the most stubborn of conservatives scratching their heads and starting to question the koolaid they've been sipping. Stupid, fear, and lies got it's ass kicked Tuesday.
I have seen a few elections come and go during my lifetime. The party on top rides high for a while. In 2004 there was a lot of butthurt on your side and I mean a lot. Conservatives will get their act together and nothing will be more helpful to them than 8 years of failed policies by this administration.
Demography lol. 3 million less white Republican voters than in 2008. They weren't abducted by aliens. Moderate Republicans don't win the White House. Keep riding high. Watching libs come crashing back down to earth starting in 2014 is gonna be front row seat entertainment.
George P. Bush filed campaign paperwork in Texas today. What do you think about demographics in light of that?
the demographics have changed but not electorate demographics. The Hispanics that have effected our makeup are mostly illegals and not part of the voting block.