How to argue with females


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Bronze Member
How to Argue With Females

The Allied Invasion. The Trojan Horse. The Divine Plan. The following strategy puts them all to shame because it defines how to finally defeat the great beast of society: women.
Arguing with girls, like yoga, is a meaningless and inane exercise. A lot of guys hate doing it, most notably because it never seems like we can win. But you can win. Here's how.

Step 1. Abandon all logic. Girls don't use it, and you certainly shouldn't allow it to handicap you.

Step 2. If you believe strongly in something, do NOT give in to any aspect of it. Compromise is useless against girls, because they will rationalize that if they can get you to concede to one element, they can get you to quit on the whole fuckin' Periodic Table. (Nothing like a little chemistry humor, right?)

Step 3. Don't be afraid to take cheap shots. Ever argue with a girl about something and they randomly insult you with something that has no relevance to the argument? That's their way of trying to wear you down and push you off-topic. Fight fire with fire, I say. Tell her she has a fat ass, small boobs, an ugly face, disorienting facial hair, unwieldy hips, and is a genuinely awful person.

Step 4. Cite precedent. Girls have no concept of historical factors relating to the current situation. Most girls reading this just went over to to see what "precedent" meant.

Step 5. Interrupt her. Don't let her talk. Girls hate that like they hate other girls. It's hilarious, too. They get all frazzled.

Step 6. Don't take her seriously. Laugh at every point she deems serious in nature. Fart, if possible. Derail her emotional train.

Step 7. If the argument escalates, cut off all communication with her. If a girl can't find you, she can't continue arguing about bullshit. Change your phone number, relocate, and get a name change if you must.

Step 8. Don't be fooled by "Let's stop arguing please." That's their way of making you let your guard down, so they can swoop in after you're worn down. Instead, say something like "Yeah, all this being right is exhausting for me." Pisses them off. Just trust me.

Step 9. Compare her unfavorably with another girl. This is especially effective if the comparison is with a girl that they simply abhor. Tell her something like, "Lisa is so much more compassionate than you." Girls hate other girls, like a deer hates a shotgun. And how do you take down a deer? Exactly.

Step 10. Don't be intimidated by the water works. That's their ultimate contingency, knowing that guys can't deal with a crying girl. Stay strong, don't let yourself get emotional, just think of something funny. Replay scenes from "Office Space" in your head if you must.

Step 11. Bust out, "I don't feel like fighting. I've proven my point." Then stop. Leave the argument. It pisses them off because a guy's natural reaction is to resolve, whereas a girl's is to continue forever and ever until the end of time until they hear that they are right. If a guy decides that he is right and won't budge, their whole concept of male-female relations is shot to shit. Again, mind games.

Step 12. Ask her if she's on the rag. Self-explanatory.

Step 13. When all else fails, tell her she's just like her mother. It's an ace-in-the-hole and will emotionally cripple her to such a degree she may even forget her whole argument.

Remember, girls are the less intelligent of the genders. All throughout history men have out-thought, out-invented, and out-created women in every facet of existence. Isn't it about time we won an argument for once? Gentlemen, that time is now.
...better prepare for some flowers, gifts, massage and dinner services beforehand even if you are correct.


You could also just try to go for easy win and use counter-psychology, because lot of women tend to behave like crying spoiled little babies...

Example; "I don't like anal sex, that's such a dirty thing, that's disgusting, not even a chance of that ever happening, keep dreaming.", and BOOM, just like that! You'll end up having her ass spread all over, every day, begging for anal sex, just trying to annoy you... Things are not "cool" if they are "okay", you need to play "dirty" games...
I've done all those steps in the past, except fart during the argument. Now that I've married her :dunno: I should be able to pull that one off easily without jeopardizing getting laid after the argument.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Step 13. When all else fails, tell her she's just like her mother. It's an ace-in-the-hole and will emotionally cripple her to such a degree she may even forget her whole argument.

^^^:yesyes: There are those times when we have to resort to the nuclear option. One of the reasons that Rome stood for so long was because they believed in and engaged in Total War. But I can tell you from experience, if you take this option, ya might want to get the engagement ring back before you hit her with that - otherwise it leaves with her and you'll just have to chalk it up as a lesson in "better to lose a little than lose a lot".

Funny stuff. True in many respects. But also funny. And of course, I'm unable to give you rep, Supa.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Step 13. When all else fails, tell her she's just like her mother. It's an ace-in-the-hole and will emotionally cripple her to such a degree she may even forget her whole argument.

^^^:yesyes: There are those times when we have to resort to the nuclear option. One of the reasons that Rome stood for so long was because they believed in and engaged in Total War. But I can tell you from experience, if you take this option, ya might want to get the engagement ring back before you hit her with that - otherwise it leaves with her and you'll just have to chalk it up as a lesson in "better to lose a little than lose a lot".

Funny stuff. True in many respects. But also funny. And of course, I'm unable to give you rep, Supa.

Won't work for me, my mother in law is actually cooler thn my wife, and easier going too.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Ah, so You Might have to reverse it: "Why can't you be more like your mother?!"

The other one worked for me because it was well known that I hated her mother just as much as her mother hated me. And with that, I set Carthage on fire.
This is pretty nonsensical.

All the points in the first post are either something dumb people use in an argument or something a dumb person is fooled by in an argument. They aren't exactly gender specific, and I've seen men on either side of them. If one wants proof that there are a lot of men that don't bother to think or reason rationally in a discussion or care about proof I can point out more than a couple on this very board. (some already on this thread) The politics section of this board is a great example of the abject stupidity some use in an effort to rationalize either how dumb they or their ideas sound or in an effort to hide their own hypocrisy.

If it's an attempt at humor it isn't very well done.
I remember back in debate class, myself and this other attractive shy person were to debate the rights to abortion. My forum was versus and hers was pro-choice to which I think we both held belief oddly enough. At first we were very quiet in our points but being two of the higher graded students we eventually felt the need to have our points come across and it was both intellectually stimulating but also broke down our barrier towards communication with one another and opposite sex. Best argument I was ever in with a member of the opposite sex.

Carry on.
I'd never dream of arguing with a woman. It's incredibly rare that I'm talking to a woman who isn't a) a woman I want to nail, b) a woman in some way associated with a woman I want to nail, c) a friend's girlfriend, d) a work colleague or e) mother. And I want to keep all of them onside, thanks!

Tell her she has a fat ass, small boobs, an ugly face, disorienting facial hair, unwieldy hips, and is a genuinely awful person.

Did you know my first girlfriend?

Just kidding. She had huge tits. The rest is true though.