I can see where it might create unrealistic expectations and false concepts of reality...or just make people act stupid.
I can indeed see how things can get out of hand when you take kids and young adults who are already sort of out of touch with reality because they are young and you combine it with a lot of the dumb crap, gimmicks, and stunts they put in porn a lot more today. It's even worse when you add in the misogyny that's increased from how it was in porn of the past. I'm sure there are quite a few people, young men especially, that think what happens in a lot of the more ridiculous porn is closer to the norm than it already is. Adding in them wanting or expecting it and I can see it getting worse still.
What's even worse is it's usually a subject that will very rarely get talked about with them by more mature people. We're getting to the point where parents might be more open to talking to their kids about sex because it's their responsibility to do so than ever before, and we teach the physical and technical aspects of at school in sexual education classes, but I bet it's pretty rare for somebody to explain that what happens in porn videos, especially a lot of porn of today (not that the porn of the past was always great in this area either), is very often a pretty ridiculous and stupid and that they shouldn't act that way or base their lives on what happens to it.
It should also be explained that a lot of what goes on in porn now is a process that has been going on for decades (and especially since the late 90s or 00s where the producers have tried to continually one up each other creating ever more stupid, demeaning, unnatural, unrealistic, misogyny, gimmicky, or other ridiculous aspects that often involve even more ridiculous circus acts in a manner to quickly cash in on a quick buck from people a small number of porn fans that were stupid, vocal, and were willing to see it for that reason and pay more. What a lot of people, especially a good amount of young men, need is a metaphorical (or maybe even literal) slap across the head and to told to grow up, start acting like a real man, and to be told that most of that isn't how it works in real life, that it's often just stupid, and to not expect let alone demand the women they are with to conform to that. Even most of the better porn is pretty much just fantasy and isn’t something that’s real or that most relationships should be based on.
The best porn that hasn’t verged in the range of stupidity is still only fantasy or eye candy and usually little more. The worst of porn is just trash. Not that fantasy is always bad. It’s why we read books and watch movies and television shows, and play games all about other subjects. In the end we have to realize that’s what it really is though. It's one of those things where if one can keep a decent mindset and have a reasonable concept of reality it isn't that bad if you see porn for what it is. If one can't do those things...