What specific influences have created it's mainstreamedness ! < (just made up the word).
"I" believe, that women who are bi, if hypothetically given the choice between a
m or
f to live with, for the long haul would choose another woman.
I personally know of two examples and I've read and heard of
many others. If that's the way it is . . . whatever :dunno:
I could not recommend considering a future marriage w/ a known bi f
Just love them for who they are. lol
Hmmm, I wonder what that would do to the man's spirit having your wife cheat or leave the marriage for another woman ? :shy:
So, as a social - anthropological case study, what influences have manifested over the last . . . say . . . 12 - 20 years ? . . Influences common to Europe, UK, Brasil (?) and America collectively. Is there a potential for all women to "experiment" at some time in their lives ?
Is the behavior / practice innate or learned or both
For one, I think that the divorced or absentee father(s) have gone on the rise , that's for sure. But then, I thought that it was the female condition to seek a father figure that she'd missed growing up ? Who knows ! I'm sorry for ramblin'. Don't want to create the impression that I'm jackin' the thread . . .interesting case study that I'd enjoy to pursue further.
Carry on ~